Helicopters flew over the wasteland that surrounded a massive black spire. Thunder struck and the wind blew, but for the moment the rain had stopped. They only had ten minutes at the most to get as many people into the region as they could, before the storms would pick up again and flying in would be impossible without an extremely talented Pokemon. Bell stared out the window as raindrops started to splatter against the glass. She was part of one of the groups of trainers being brought in. She hadn't really known what to expect. She simple answered the call when the champion himself came to her town with the Elite Four asking all able trainers to help. She knew it was something that the whole world was coming together to work on, and they had been told that their lives would be in danger... And that any trainers who agreed to help would likely be seeing much death, perhaps even causing it. They didn't want to say it outright... But Bell and many of the others knew what they would meant. Whoever was threatening the world, whiever this End Cult was... They would likely have to be killed to be stopped. Bell wasn't looking forward to killing anybody. Certainly she didn't want to have to have her Pokemon kill anyone, be it another Pokemon or a human being. But now, now she could see the reason. The tower stood taller than any building she had ever seen. It looked like a rock spire with jagged edges all over. It had some kind of light being sucked into the tip as if it were falling dust. A horrific sight alongside the knowledge that it could apparently destroy the world. But it wasn't nearly as bad as the sight on the ground below them. A warzone was the only way to describe it. Pokemon fighting Pokemon to the death, and when the Pokemon were taken out, their trainers came next. The ground was nothing but rock and dirt with edges as jagged as the spire. Trenches ran all about the land through this deadly terrain, and inside people were dying by one another's hand. It was terrible, but they were told it had to be done, and to stop that spire from destroying the world, Bell would do her best.