[center][h1][color=007236]Troe Revinah[/color][/h1][/center] Troe subconsciously scooted back to avoid the table as he took a final sip of his coffee, completely unaware as he began setting it down that A: he had pushed himself back...and B: the table was currently in halves anyway. The cup fell to the floor and shattered, shaking him from his train of thought in time to hear Ashley say that it was their cue to leave. Of course, he hadn't agreed to anything, but this whole arrangement was kind of exactly what he had been looking for. When he stood up he casually looked for the Violet eyed stranger, but upon seeing the shattered window he assumed the guy had been thrown out it by whoever had trashed the place. Guess that's what happens when you stand on a table in the middle of a bar? Troe patted his robes briefly to be sure that the coffee he had dropped wasn't all over himself. As he walked up to Ashley he glanced over to see a rather tall one-armed woman and cocked his head slightly. Given the axe and the way she carried herself, he almost wanted to ask if she was one of the refugees from Irinoth. Women of both Rjaskav and Solvnir were famous for their battle prowess and size, both of which Troe could assume this 'Tonka' had in spades...well the latter more obviously of course. [color=007236]"So, I may have been...well, locked in thought about the subject of this expedition for the past few minutes. I remember mention of a ship and at least a few claiming that they would also be coming along. I trust that you intend to lead this..."[/color] Troe looked at a few of the others that he presumed were coming. [color=007236]"Band of mercenaries?"[/color] He said, assuming that would be the most apt description of those present.