[hr] [center][h2]G E N G H I S[/h2][img]https://i.imgur.com/3FuTvpI.png[/img][/center] [hr] The Sako church, as it turned out, was ideally suited for this kind of contest. It was some distance from the city centre and very isolated, surrounded by sparse forests and barren hills. The architecture seemed strange - nothing like the Nestorian shrines that he had seen in his life - but from what he had seen of the city itself, it seemed that these japenese had a penchant for copying western architecture. He had arrived in no time at all, of course, riding at the speed of the wind, only to find the place barren of servants. One does not expect to find elk simply by wandering, of course. One finds elk through patience. He hid himself and his mechanical steed in a patch of forest near the church clearing, and waited as he had in countless other hunts of both beast and man. Dusk came and darkness rose before he finally sensed an approaching servant. His alert eyes caught the source: a car driving up the hill path towards the church grounds. [i]Here we go,[/i] he thought, filled with joy. Finally, he could finish that which he could not in life, that which his successors had abandoned: the unification of all peoples under blue sky. He turned on the motorcycle and accelerated at impossible speeds out of the forest, straight at the vehicle. As he flew in the air towards the road, his scimitar materialized in his hand. It was strong, stronger than any normal blade, but it was no noble phantasm: his objective was to feign weakness, after all, so it would suit him just fine. And besides: he hadn't gone up close and personal like this in a very, very long time. Whichever servant that was was about to be in a bit of a surprise.