[hr][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210316/bed0ef40e8c61dcafc54d21c5d4853d8.png[/img][/center][hr] Morgan glanced behind him once more before taking a deep breath [color=808080][i]'I can't shake the feeling something is very, very wrong here,'[/i][/color] he thought to himself, straightening his collar as he exhaled and much to his chagrin nothing changed [color=808080][i]'I can't appear distraught, I'll just have to make haste to the meeting place without delay.'[/i][/color] Morgan sighed as he dipped his hands into his suit pockets, he felt odd about the circumstances that may have brought him to the mysterious town of Arkham but one such as he was not the kind of gentleman to pass up an invitation, even if it had been a long journey to arrive in town. Adjusting the mask to his face, bearing that of a fox's sly face the man picked up his pace and briskly walked up the pathway while doing his best to ignore the echo of footsteps behind him. It would simply not do, to be fashionably late or early [i]no[/i] he was to be exactly on time and not to be distracted by further figments or phantoms that his mind tried to create, [i]no[/i] it would not do at all.