[hider=Ryder Drake] [h1][color=darkorange]Ryder Drake[/color][/h1][hr][center][url=https://theashenphoenix.tumblr.com/post/162123087715/listen-im-still-not-over-nyx-and-this-gorgeous ][img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/9eea39d0-c41c-4ecf-bd7a-3c7cad8976b7/deg0n18-cebf25de-f6d6-41d1-8c3e-d130e9ed8e35.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3sicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvOWVlYTM5ZDAtYzQxYy00ZWNmLWJkN2EtM2M3Y2FkODk3NmI3XC9kZWcwbjE4LWNlYmYyNWRlLWY2ZDYtNDFkMS04YzNlLWQxMzBlOWVkOGUzNS5qcGcifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6ZmlsZS5kb3dubG9hZCJdfQ.0VxpqbGvzkp3ZeC-zBDI4Q44iOOxXReUciCPklmEGIQ [/img][/url] Art by [url=https://merwild.tumblr.com/ ]Merwild[/url][/center] [color=darkorange][b]Age:[/b][/color] 24 [color=darkorange][b]School Year:[/b][/color] 4th [color=darkorange][b]Specialty/Apprenticeship:[/b][/color] Combat [color=darkorange][b]Magic Affinity:[/b][/color] Hex [color=darkorange][b]Magic Class:[/b][/color] Hex with a side of Arcane [color=darkorange][b]Home Country:[/b][/color] Soria [color=darkorange][b]Personality:[/b][/color] Ryder is a calm and disciplined person, at home with falling in line with the chain of command and putting his pesky feelings and morals aside for the good of the mission. Or that’s what he aspires to at least. He has a bit of an impulsive streak he aims to keep under wraps but nonetheless finds himself acting before thinking in the heat of the moment. After which he often resorts to second-guessing whatever rash actions he took and kicking himself over it, sometimes regardless of whether the consequences were good or bad. Similarly, he has a habit of trying to keep his feelings in check in day-to-day life as well, wary of building connections with people even though he’d very much like to make some friends. Even though it may be a bit irrational in the current climate, Ryder has taken Soria’s philosophy of the needs of the many too much to heart and is thus afraid of the looming possibility he’d have to put the collective above a possible individual friend. The uncertainty of whether he’d be able to do that is of course an added layer of scary. Everyone is expendable and it’s easier if the expendables aren’t important. Unfortunately or fortunately, Ryder’s better at following his own advice when it comes to just himself. Thus, Ryder can come off as slightly cold and stand-offish to many people as he tries to keep people at arm’s length. However, he sees no gain in being downright hostile to people or making enemies so he’s generally polite to most and open to lending a hand when needed. He's also rather averse to talking back to his superiors. In fact, he may or may not have developed a bit of a reputation as an ass-kisser or teacher’s pet in some circles during his studies in Isunia. There is one subject that tends to have greater success at making Ryder’s discipline and defences around his emotions slip: Magic technology. Despite his choice not to pursue the craft himself, he’s rather fascinated and excited by different magical gadgets, especially any he hasn’t seen before. His first year in Isunia was therefore quite the journey of wonder and discovery. In general, Ryder's rather open to exploring new things and experiences if they catch his interest, he just tries not to be too obvious about it because enthusiasm is apparently a childish trait or whatever. [color=darkorange][b]Notes:[/b][/color] [list] [*] Uses a spear as a casting aide and focuses on hexing himself. [*] In addition to a flying stone, makes sure to have some mana stones rattling around in his pockets to offset the higher mana cost of the occasional Arcane spell and his general tendency to not be conservative with his mana. [*] A heathen who likes raisins in cookies. [*] Has claustrophobia. [/list] [color=darkorange][b]History:[/b][/color] Born into a somewhat well-known and well-off military family, Ryder’s path in life was always implicitly and explicitly influenced by the location of his birth. Growing up with tales of Soria’s good old days and immediate role models in his family, most notably his older brother, the little rascal’s sights were set on a military career from early on. Despite being ten years Ryder’s senior, Marcell didn’t mind entertaining his baby brother and encouraging the occasional mischief when the strict disciplinary eyes of their household were away. As a child, Ryder wanted nothing more than to be just like his big brother. Marcell’s departure for his responsibilities as an adult was thus rough for Ryder at first, but it also served as a great dose of motivation to catch up. Which he did do and then went beyond. He served his two years of mandatory military service and decided to take a chance at applying to Isunia before continuing his military career. Isunia was a milestone Marcell had also taken a shot at but wasn’t accepted so of course he couldn’t have been prouder when the little gremlin he calls his brother surpassed him in that regard. Upon finding his affinity, Ryder’s choice of class and later specialization was a no-brainer. It’d be a waste to go against what was in his very blood, right? He was content with following the path laid out in front of him. If he best serves the well-being of his people by putting his body through the wringer with close combat and hex-abuse, so be it. [/hider]