[center][img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/5a005b4c-24eb-4ecd-bbb6-9dc7e23b61ee/d9bsbe7-7cac9662-059f-41cf-8a08-c9e14f7a6dd4.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwic3ViIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTpmaWxlLmRvd25sb2FkIl0sIm9iaiI6W1t7InBhdGgiOiIvZi81YTAwNWI0Yy0yNGViLTRlY2QtYmJiNi05ZGM3ZTIzYjYxZWUvZDlic2JlNy03Y2FjOTY2Mi0wNTlmLTQxY2YtOGEwOC1jOWUxNGY3YTZkZDQucG5nIn1dXX0.5iqVeM0uW23MW5-wA83Og2yoLJVZkkYdVyZzHxobMTQ[/img] [sub][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cxJ1JR_33R4]Just like the butterfly, I too will awaken in my own time.[/url][/sub] The room you awaken in is draped in a swathe of deep blue. It appears to be a luxurious train cart, a variety of cushioned seats on either side. You swear you can hear what sounds like [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rk6nb6st99g]music[/url] coming from all around you, though there are no speakers that you can see. The train feels like it is moving, though several curtains block the outside view. Any attempt at removing them is blocked, and a single wooden door decorated in an odd insignia appearing to be a mask. For some reason, it looks familiar, and without realizing it, your hand is reaching out towards the handle. As your hand is just about to touch the doorknob, a voice calls out to you. [color=steelblue]"Welcome to the Velvet Room."[/color] The voice is decidedly male and coming from behind you; standing next to a small, wooden desk with a quill and paper on it is a young man dressed entirely in rich, blue clothes and platinum blonde hair with golden eyes gives you a warm smile, a large book residing in one hand with his other hand raised to his chest as he bows to you. Once he straightens up, he clears his throat before speaking. [color=steelblue]"Normally, my master would be the one welcoming you. However, he is unwell due to a recent incident; I will be attending you instead,"[/color] He explains, his voice smooth and gentle. [color=steelblue]"I am William, a faithful assistant of my master, and denizen of this place. I understand your awakening is unusual, but there isn't much time before you return to your world. Instead, I will present you with the contract awaiting your signature. Once you've signed, we can begin."[/color] He brandishes an arm, revealing previously unseen paper with a feathered quill in an inkwell sitting next to it. On said paper it is written: [i]I give you this to take with you: Nothing remains as it was. If you know this, you can begin again, with pure joy in the uprooting. The only time you should ever look back is to see how far you've come.[/i] There is a space for your signature at the bottom. Once you take the quill and sign, the page bursts into a blue flame. William doesn't seem surprised, though he does look at your hand. You then notice the feather begin to burn and release it as it too is swallowed by fire. However, instead of disappearing, instead, it changes shape, revealing a [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/bd/bc/17/bdbc171f8001b41f37ca33e6b06db46c.jpg]key[/url]. You realize the mask on it matches the symbols on the door, though before you can inquire, an unknown voice echoes in your mind: [color=royalblue]I am thou...Thou art I From the sea of thy soul, I come The flames of thy rebirth are as mere embers They eagerly await the spark of your awakening Go forth and seek out the lost virtue [/color] The key glows brightly before fading away at your touch. The attendant gives you an amused but apologetic smile, though he doesn't comment as he instead opens his book. A bright, blue light emerges from the pages, taking the form of a card. [color=steelblue]"The Arcana is the means by which all is revealed. You are no exception,"[/color] William tells you as the card materializes. [color=steelblue]"The Fool represents a new beginning. Appropriate for your journey, if a little on-the-nose. I suppose this truly signifies the end for our previous guest."[/color] His eyes soften, the smallest hint of a frown on his expression before he looks at you again. [color=steelblue]"You'll find there are others out there who have visited this place just like you. As I mentioned, your awakening is most unusual. It isn't often that we give out multiple contracts like this, but I believe once your power has been realized, everything will come together."[/color] The card fades away as William closes his book, giving you a stern expression. [color=steelblue]"Your power will awaken soon. When the time comes, take your key and let the flames of rebirth burst from within. Until next we meet, I bid you farewell."[/color] He once again bows to you as everything darkens. A spotlight appears, once again illuminating the mysterious door. An unfamiliar pull draws you to it, and without hesitation, you open the door and step through. A large, thick curtain hangs before you, though it doesn't leave you wondering what's behind it for too long as it is gently pulled aside. A grand stage is revealed with a multitude of figures cluttered front and center. The music from before sounds louder here, and as the song continues, the figures' shapes becoming clearer: an orchestra is performing for you. Several instruments join in, and soon a single, female voice gorgeously performs the aria. It touches your soul in a way you can't describe, soothing yet invigorating, but there is little time to dwell on it as another spotlight draws your attention. It illuminates a risen platform behind the orchestra. A silhouette matching the figures approaches the light, revealed only once they fully step into the light. What appears to be a young woman with blonde hair dressed in a deep, rich blue gown stands there, her eyes closed as she gives you a curtsey. Out of the corner of your eye, a bright, blue butterfly flutters over, seemingly ignored until it lands on her right eye. Nonetheless, a golden hue is revealed as she opens her free eye, giving you a small smile. Her lips move, and despite not uttering anything, you can barely make it out. It looks like she's saying... The butterfly on her eye erupts, engulfing her in light, though the light shines so brightly that you can't see a thing. Once you close your eyes and open them again, you're back in reality. What kind of dream was that? [img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/01067554a96706a2a0ba5f1daa37d73f/tumblr_n3opr3MPgi1rncw3ao1_500.gif[/img][/center] [hr] Welcome to Hinotori High School! Whether it's your first year or you're a returning student, the school's recent renovation is something everyone can be excited about. Located in the bustling city of Kyoto, the high school is just one of many places that were slated for newer architecture, even if the city folk are more fond of the traditional buildings. Change seems to be coming whether people like it or not, but you'll often find the majority digging their heels in, content with their ways. Some say it's to uphold tradition, others claim it results in stagnation. Whatever the case, it's caused an underlying tension between those ready to embrace modernism and those who wish to conserve the city's charm. But rumors have been flying ever since last November when an eerily coordinated string of fires burned several houses to the ground on the same night. While some think the fires were coincidental, the string of disappearances that followed point to something more deliberate, perhaps a coordinated effort to send some kind of a message. Whatever it was, nothing much more came of it than one enduring rumor: that bringing an open flame into the only house to remain standing will awaken a demon within, and consume anyone foolish enough to enter. [hr] [hider=About This RP] So this is a pretty typical Persona RP. Mystery abounds and a general plot with a theme of [b]rebirth[/b]. Your character is a high school student going about their life--with the exception of a weird dream you keep having about that odd Velvet Room. When you see that weird blue butterfly in the real world, you realize it's more than just a dream. Then it's all about confronting your true self, forming bonds, and something about a demon, but you know, details.[/hider] [hider=Expectations] Decent writing, positive vibes, a willingness to put up with my bullshit, and not being a total asshat are what I'm looking for in general. That said, I also have some expectations in character creation. I'm hoping for a diverse, interesting cast to balance one another out. I'm also looking for characters that at one point or another have suffered some sort of change, voluntary or not--it'll add to the whole "reborn" thing when you awaken your Persona. That said, make sure to balance the edge. While trauma isn't uncommon in the Persona series, I'd rather not have to read six paragraphs of angst in every single post. Think I'll be looking for a cast of 7-8. While Persona 5 obviously has its touches in this rp, this is more based on the earlier entries.[/hider] [hider=FAQ] To be determined in case I forget something. Which is very likely, I'll be completely honest on that.[/hider] [hr] [hider=CS] Should look like this but with all your neato ideas: [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210315/7d1ccbdcabcd09ef10aaff1e51626363.png[/img] [img]https://history.ucr.edu/sites/g/files/rcwecm1916/files/styles/form_preview/public/blank-profile-picture-png.png?itok=MQ-iPuNG[/img] height | weight | age | grade | gender[/center] [color=gray]P[/color]ERSONALITY [INDENT]self-explanatory (I hope)[/INDENT] [color=gray]A[/color]RCANA [INDENT]Each character in the series is represented by one of the twenty-two major arcana found in a typical tarot deck. Your [url=https://megamitensei.fandom.com/wiki/Arcana#Major_Arcana]arcana[/url] should match your personality as closely as it can. I will not be accepting any arcana that aren't listed so there's no need to bother asking.[/INDENT] [color=gray]P[/color]ERSONA [INDENT]A [url=https://megamitensei.fandom.com/wiki/Persona_(concept)]Persona[/url] is the manifestation of one's personality and power. The series has a [url=https://megamitensei.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Persona_List]plethora of different beings[/url] to choose from. If none of them suit your fancy, you can get a general idea of how to make your own if you'd like. One fantasy lookin' pic and a name based on a mythological or fantasy figure and bam, Persona. If you have any questions or need guidance let me know--don't be discouraged if the Persona you would like to have isn't in your arcana, I'm willing to be flexible about it.[/INDENT] [color=gray]S[/color]KILLS [INDENT]There are [url=https://megamitensei.fandom.com/wiki/List_of_Persona_5_Skills][b]physical skills[/b] and [b]magical skills[/b][/url]. The former is pretty obvious--by sacrificing some of your health, you can inflict massive damage to the enemy. of course, the payoff is that you only have so much health, though of course if you're healed up you can continue to use physical skills. That said, magic skills use up [b]spirit points[/b] (which is basically mana in this world) and is not limitless. The latter are divided into a few different categories, though we'll start with [b]elemental skills[/b]. So, most Persona tend to have an element attached to them, but instead of being called fire, ice, etc., they go by different names here, with a prefix and additional part added to dictate its power and how many it can target--for example, a fire spell is called [b]Agi[/b]. The strongest form of that spell is [b]Agidyne[/b], with -dyne indicating its power. [b]Maragidyne[/b] with the prefix of Ma- (with the R added only in this case) indicates that it selects multiple targets. In addition to the offensive elemental magic, there are also [b]healing[/b], [b]support[/b], [b]ailment[/b], and [b]passive [/b]skills. With the exception of the last one, the prefix and suffix rules also apply! Healing spells are self-explanatory, support skills have an assortment of different attacks ranging from boosting your allies' attack to lowering an enemy's defense. Ailment skills inflict status effects like confusion, charm, and sleep. Finally, passive skills also have a variety that usually just help in the long run. Now, with all that in mind, you'll get 3 skills to start off with.[/INDENT] [color=gray]T[/color]RANSFORMATION [INDENT]Once your character's Persona awakens, your character's clothes and whatnot change to match your 'rebirth'. [/INDENT] [color=gray]W[/color]EAPON [INDENT]In addition to some rad new clothes you get something to probably smash into the shadows' faces. What is it? Note that there are few limitations since you don't have the baggage of bringing it back and forth from the real world to the other side.[/INDENT] [color=gray]H[/color]ISTORY [INDENT]The current year IC wise is 2018, with the RP's starting date being April 9th (Monday).[/INDENT] [color=gray]M[/color]ISC [INDENT]misc info that you can add if you'd like[/INDENT] Here be the raw code: [code][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210315/7d1ccbdcabcd09ef10aaff1e51626363.png[/img] [img]https://history.ucr.edu/sites/g/files/rcwecm1916/files/styles/form_preview/public/blank-profile-picture-png.png?itok=MQ-iPuNG[/img] height | weight | age | grade | gender[/center] [color=gray]P[/color]ERSONALITY [INDENT]self-explanatory (I hope)[/INDENT] [color=gray]A[/color]RCANA [INDENT]Each character in the series is represented by one of the twenty-two major arcana found in a typical tarot deck. Your [url=https://megamitensei.fandom.com/wiki/Arcana#Major_Arcana]arcana[/url] should match your personality as closely as it can. I will not be accepting any arcana that aren't listed so there's no need to bother asking.[/INDENT] [color=gray]P[/color]ERSONA [INDENT]A [url=https://megamitensei.fandom.com/wiki/Persona_(concept)]Persona[/url] is the manifestation of one's personality and power. The series has a [url=https://megamitensei.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Persona_List]plethora of different beings[/url] to choose from. If none of them suit your fancy, you can get a general idea of how to make your own if you'd like. One fantasy lookin' pic and a name based on a mythological or fantasy figure and bam, Persona. If you have any questions or need guidance let me know--don't be discouraged if the Persona you would like to have isn't in your arcana, I'm willing to be flexible about it.[/INDENT] [color=gray]S[/color]KILLS [INDENT]There are [url=https://megamitensei.fandom.com/wiki/List_of_Persona_5_Skills][b]physical skills[/b] and [b]magical skills[/b][/url]. The former is pretty obvious--by sacrificing some of your health, you can inflict massive damage to the enemy. of course, the payoff is that you only have so much health, though of course if you're healed up you can continue to use physical skills. That said, magic skills use up [b]spirit points[/b] (which is basically mana in this world) and is not limitless. The latter are divided into a few different categories, though we'll start with [b]elemental skills[/b]. So, most Persona tend to have an element attached to them, but instead of being called fire, ice, etc., they go by different names here, with a prefix and additional part added to dictate its power and how many it can target--for example, a fire spell is called [b]Agi[/b]. The strongest form of that spell is [b]Agidyne[/b], with -dyne indicating its power. [b]Maragidyne[/b] with the prefix of Ma- (with the R added only in this case) indicates that it selects multiple targets. In addition to the offensive elemental magic, there are also [b]healing[/b], [b]support[/b], [b]ailment[/b], and [b]passive [/b]skills. With the exception of the last one, the prefix and suffix rules also apply! Healing spells are self-explanatory, support skills have an assortment of different attacks ranging from boosting your allies' attack to lowering an enemy's defense. Ailment skills inflict status effects like confusion, charm, and sleep. Finally, passive skills also have a variety that usually just help in the long run. Now, with all that in mind, you'll get 3 skills to start off with.[/INDENT] [color=gray]T[/color]RANSFORMATION [INDENT]Once your character's Persona awakens, your character's clothes and whatnot change to match your 'rebirth'. [/INDENT] [color=gray]W[/color]EAPON [INDENT]In addition to some rad new clothes you get something to probably smash into the shadows' faces. What is it? Note that there are few limitations since you don't have the baggage of bringing it back and forth from the real world to the other side.[/INDENT] [color=gray]H[/color]ISTORY [INDENT]The current year IC wise is 2018, with the RP's starting date being April 9th (Monday).[/INDENT] [color=gray]M[/color]ISC [INDENT]misc info that you can add if you'd like[/INDENT][/code] [/hider]