[hr][hr][center][h3][b][color=cc33ff]Guin Stark[/color][/b][/h3][img]https://i.imgur.com/R0DGpSD.png?1[/img][hr][b][color=cc33ff]Location:[/color][/b] the Millenium Falcon [b][color=cc33ff]Skills:[/color][/b] Telepathy[hr][hr][/center] [color=cc33ff]"Yes, arrest us, put us in horrible orange jumpsuits and make a major Netflix series about us fucking each other in prison, the whole deal,"[/color] Guin clarified for Annie. She didn't mean to sound so harsh, but she was under a lot of stress. Their situation was getting worse and worse by the minute. At least Runa had explained that the Nova Corps didn't have any prejudice against people with powers - so that was a win for space, as they didn't need to worry about being killed in prison for being mutants. They just needed to worry about being killed in prison for... whatever reason prisoners killed each other. [color=cc33ff]"Oookay so... From what I can tell, we're more or less just in the wrong place at the wrong time and that's all the reason they need,"[/color] she explained, having done another quick mental sweep. [color=cc33ff]"So hooray, Lance, you win space cop jeopardy. Your prize? Hopefully not dropping the soap in prison! Yaaaay!"[/color] Guin then laughed nervously. Her nervous laughter died abruptly though, as she felt an immense source of heat in their fragile little tin can, pressurized with gases and whatnot so they could breathe and fuel sources to power everything. In hindsight, they shouldn't have brought Iris along with them at all. It was horrifying and traumatic to watch, seeing Iris burn herself alive. It all happened so quickly - she blinked and saw Pietro trying to put out the flames, she blinked again and saw Edus was on fire, another blink and Iris wasn't there any more. Pietro put out the rest of the flames in the room. Guin's eyes were wide, as a memory she had almost succeeded in repressing came to the front of her mind - the way Pietro had killed all of those guards at the Baxter Building in Wanda's false world. [i][color=cc33ff]B-babe, are you okay?[/color][/i] Guin asked. [color=7ea7d8][i]In all honesty? No...[/i][/color] Guin was stuck between a rock and a hard place. They were about to be boarded by space cops, and Pietro had just had to mercy kill Iris. She wanted desperately to comfort him, and at the same time, she wanted to put on her suit and get ready to blast anyone who tried to take them away. But her love was stronger than her fear. [i][color=cc33ff]Do you want to talk about it?[/color][/i] she asked him, going up to him and pulling him in for a hug, even as she was shaking. [color=7ea7d8][i]No, I don't.[/i][/color] [i][color=cc33ff]Then with your consent, can I sooth you?[/color][/i] Guin asked, sick with worry over Pietro and the space cops. [color=cc33ff]"Guys, Piet is going to sit this confrontation out I think, so I recommend getting ready with your magic things for a fight."[/color] His hands were still badly burned, barely even healing despite his powers accelerating his body's repair processes. [color=7ea7d8][i]Okay...[/i][/color] Guin nodded, taking a breath. It was hard to calm someone down telepathically when she was feeling horrible and scared herself. She wanted so badly to take away Pietro's pain, but she was also scared that the more she tried, the more she'd make them vulnerable to the space cops. She wanted the world to slow down. They didn't have enough time. She was only able to calm Pietro slightly, and trying again and again didn't change that result. [i][color=cc33ff]We are out of time...[/color][/i] Her eyes were watering slightly. [hr][hr][center][h3][b][color=#a81a75]Runa Baldurdattir[/color][/b][/h3][img]https://i.imgur.com/7eBfSNo.png?1[/img][hr][b][color=#a81a75]Location:[/color][/b] the Millenium Falcon [b][color=#a81a75]Skills:[/color][/b] N/A [hr][hr][/center] [color=#a81a75]"No, the Nova Corps holds no ill will towards those with powers. Many species across the galaxy have extraordinary abilities. Midgardians are not unique in that regard,"[/color] she explained. Just about everyone on Asgard could be considered superhuman per Midgard's standards. She knew that the Kree also tended to have a large amount of abilities, and of course there were the skrulls and the super skrulls too. Even the Shi'Ar had some powers. But before she could properly consider how best to deal with the Nova Corps, given Guin's confirmation of Lance's explanation that they were simply after them because no one else was near the anomaly, tragedy struck. It was a calamity of epic proportions, and a tear slid down Runa's face when the sad affair was done. [color=#a81a75]"May her soul find peace in Valhalla,"[/color] Runa prayed. She had her head bowed for a moment, before turning her mind back again to what they were going to do. The Nova Corps had announced their intent to board them. She didn't know if the Nova Corps were capable of holding them, although she supposed that perhaps they had prisons designed for those with extra abilities. At any rate though, she tried to have confidence that the truth would prevail - an ironic sentiment from the goddess of lies. She didn't want to hurt the Nova Corps - they were peacekeepers, simply doing their jobs, trying to protect the galaxy. There had to be a peaceful resolution. [color=#a81a75]"We should try to resolve this peacefully,"[/color] she urged. But even then, she was prepared with her staff at the ready for a fight. [hider=Held Roll]If they are boarded and the Nova Corps act hostilely, Runa is going to blast them with darkness to attempt to render them unconscious.[/hider]