OUTSIDE OF DR STANTON'S BLDG. - [color=LawnGreen]9:24PM[/color] [color=Gray] [color=LightSteelBlue] "Awe, thanks Russell."[/color] she said, [color=LightSteelBlue]"It looks like we're going to be at it for a while tonight so I'll definitely not turn it down."[/color] It was a nice gesture for Russell to offer to buy her a coffee. She was also in need of a good stiff drink but he was right. That would have to wait for another time. She kept beside Russell as they made their way to the alley to meet this guy. Russell mentioned that he noticed that the man was also armed and this compounded her anxieties about meeting with him in such a private location. That being said, if he was armed and something did happen it'd be safer for the public than if it were out in the street or somewhere else. Russell might be up in age but he was still as sharp as they come. he was definitely up on the game... [color=LightSteelBlue]"You're probably right. If he were going to make a move he would've done it then."[/color] she nodded attentively as they conversed. [color=LightSteelBlue]"Sometimes you gotta take a few risks to get any progress done. I definitely know a lot about that. On the gang unit we see kids all the time... bucking the system constantly all because nothing ever changed for em. Totally changed some of their lives by simply taking a risk on them, giving them an opportunity where no one else would. Most of em never had anyone ever give them a chance so it was always just more of the same. I mean, if we are in the business of making progress, sometimes you cant be too picky on how you get it."[/color] Serena really wasn't one for opening up to anyone in group. The pair's commonalities in their professions gave her a bit of common ground with him, and that made it much easier for her. That and she was nervous. It had been four months since she was put on leave, and she hadn't done anything remotely relatable to police work since, unless you count stakeouts for one night stands... She was still excited about the prospect of doing a bit of detective work with Russell. She had been growing extremely bored while left to her own devices. She really didn't want to take lead on this though. Gun play still wasn't completely in her wheelhouse, and after seeing Russell get all [i]Dirty Harry[/i] in the apartment she hardly thought she could keep up to standards, but she would approach the man regardless. [color=LightSteelBlue]"I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss policing... I'll talk to him first but keep your sidearm ready. I'm still not very comfortable with all that. I mean I have my CC but I don't want to pull. I'll see what he has to say and you do that grimace thing you're so good at."[/color] she said in jest, trying to rally up some good partner rhetoric. The pair rounded the corner and there he was, waiting for them to arrive. He seemed antsy and agitated. Very distressed. Serena straightened her back and broadened her shoulder s as she got closer to the man, hoping that Russell maintained a safe distance behind her. She tried to still her nerves as she did. [color=LightSteelBlue]"Alright fella, you wanna explain to us what you're doing here and why you just showed up out of the blue at a murder scene?"[/color] she said, her voice firm and assertive. She had managed to do a fine job of masking her nervousness. [color=GoldenRod]“You have no idea what you’ve done. All of this was never supposed to happen.”[/color] The previously pleasant tone in his voice began to descend into anger and despair.[color=GoldenRod] “Now he is dead and it’s all your fault. Did you even notice it? In the Doctor’s office. You believe you have a memory of them leaving, yet it’s strange that they’re gone all of a sudden.”[/color] [color=LightSteelBlue]"Whoa... slow down big guy."[/color] she said, clearly confused. [color=LightSteelBlue]"What wasn't supposed to happen? What are you referring to? What do you mean,[i] what we did?[/i]"[/color] [color=GoldenRod]“The Nightland has them now.”[/color] the man said under his breath. [color=GoldenRod][i]“Doors Everywhere, Doors Everywhere, Doors Everywhere.” [/i][/color] [color=LightSteelBlue]"The [i]Nightland[/i]? Yo, what the fuck is he going on about?"[/color] she said turning to Russell, slightly freaked out.[/color]