[hider=Chari Giewont(Updated)] [center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210316/d095ccd6d7edc661477029141533b50b.png[/img] [img]https://www.teahub.io/photos/full/252-2529068_grey-wolf-anime-girl.jpg[/img] [/center][table][row][/row][row][cell][h3][color=DF3752]Basic Info[/color][/h3][color=black][sup]__________________________________________________________[/sup][/color] [color=lightgray][color=DF3752][b]Name:[/b] [/color] Chari Giewont [color=DF3752]Chari = Charcoal (Black) Giewont = Burial place of King Bolesaw and his knights[/color] [color=DF3752][b]Alias:[/b] [/color] N/A [color=DF3752][b]Age:[/b] [/color] 17 [color=DF3752][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Female [color=DF3752][b]Sexuality:[/b][/color] Undecided [color=DF3752][b]Kingdom of Origin:[/b][/color] Atlas [color=DF3752][b]Allusion:[/b][/color] King Bolesaw, Polish King Arthur [color=DF3752][b]Motivation:[/b] [/color]To protect those that cannot protect themselves.[/color][/cell] [cell][h3][color=2677CA]Appearance[/color][/h3][color=black][sup]__________________________________________________________[/sup][/color] [color=lightgray][color=2677CA][b]Race:[/b][/color] Faunus [color=2677CA][b]Eye Color:[/b][/color] Blue, Redish-pink heterocrhomia [color=2677CA][b]Hair Color:[/b][/color] Jet black w/ patches of white [color=2677CA][b]Weight:[/b][/color] 135 lbs / 61.2 kg [color=2677CA][b]Height:[/b][/color] 5' 5" / 165.1 cm [color=2677CA][b]Complexion:[/b][/color] Fair [color=2677CA][b]Body Physique:[/b][/color] Lean, Muscular [hider=Detailed]Chari stands at a modest 5'5" with very long, black hair that accented with white patches. She is exceptionally fit as her tone physique and muscles will attest to. Chari weighs nearly 135 pounds and is on the rather slim size. Her hair is often left in what most would call a controlled mess and she detests anyone touching it. Similar to her views regarding her hair, Chair wears little to no makeup as she never had the money for such things growing up and as such doesn't see the appeal. This extends to her choice of fashion as she prefers to wear practical/functional clothing and strongly avoids colorful outfits. Chari has heterochromia which, combined with their intense colors, often makes her the receiving end of unwanted stares on top of her status as a Faunus. She, however, never hides her identity as a Faunus so her black, white-trimmed ears and tail are always on display.[/hider][/color][/cell][/row][/table][hr] [table][row][/row][row][cell][h3][color=DF3752]Semblance: Kinetic Release[/color][/h3][color=black][sup]__________________________________________________________[/sup][/color] [color=lightgray] Cinna's body absorbs a portion of force of anything that strikes her and doubles it, storing it for later release. She can use this stored energy for making her own strikes harder or release it in a large area attack that pushes back foes. Recently she has figured out how to send this energy directly through her legs, allowing her to increase her speed greatly in short bursts. The explosive nature of her semblance has forced her to stay very fit. The kinetic energy naturally fades with time and is only absorbed at her will. [/color][/cell] [cell] [h3][color=2677CA]Weapon: [url=https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/3a32c898-e532-44f3-adae-4239a23dd28b/d87hmrf-40a29d98-ff07-4bc0-8a09-8b1290ce0adf.jpg/v1/fill/w_970,h_824,q_70,strp/lance_by_wyran_d87hmrf-pre.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3siaGVpZ2h0IjoiPD0xNDIxIiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvM2EzMmM4OTgtZTUzMi00NGYzLWFkYWUtNDIzOWEyM2RkMjhiXC9kODdobXJmLTQwYTI5ZDk4LWZmMDctNGJjMC04YTA5LThiMTI5MGNlMGFkZi5qcGciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9MTY3NCJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19.4Mda1eGtRSk3QCePdiOqS4vEvZxims7g3uIHTMtd0Rc]Sovereign Right[/url][/color][/h3][color=black][sup]__________________________________________________________[/sup][/color] [color=lightgray] A large lance fitted with small boosters for increased striking power, the front tip of the weapon retracts and fold away to reveal a Gatling gun hidden within. Different canisters of dust can be stored in the weapon to affect the qualities of its projectiles. Despite the potential heavy firepower, Chari has yet to utilize this aspect of her weapon in a fight. Its framework also allows for the weapons to be swung like a mace for blunt-force damage. When not in combat, the weapon compacts into a much smaller design to make it easier to travel with. [/color][/cell][/row][/table][hr][color=lightgray][center][color=DF3752][h2][b]Perso[color=2677CA]nality[/color][/b][/h2][/color][/center][table][row][/row][row][cell][h3][color=DF3752]Likes[/color][/h3][color=black][sup]__________________________________________________________[/sup][/color] [color=lightgray] [list] [*]Drawing [*]Rock Music [*]Running [*]Strawberries [*]Milk Chocolate [*]Busy Work [*]Learning new things [*]Swimming [*]Dancing [*]Silver Jewerly [*]Museums [*]Dresses [/list][/color][/cell] [cell] [h3][color=2677CA]Dislikes[/color][/h3][color=black][sup]__________________________________________________________[/sup][/color] [color=lightgray] [list] [*]Hateful people [*]Hypocrites [*]Dresses [*]Tail/ears being touched [*]Surprises [*]Too much attention [*]Compliments [/list] [/color][/cell][/row][/table] Chari is usually wary and often distrustful of new people until she gets to know them. People are often thrown off by her stoic expression matched with taking time to choose each word she speaks carefully, which contrasts greatly with her combat style. Due to her unique eyes and openly displayed Faunus features, she is used to drawing attention to herself and is more than content working in a large crowd. Chari's normally reserved natural is quickly discarded when anyone insults her status as a Faunus or as a future huntress. This has more often than not worked against her. She does her best to keep herself busy whether it is with chores, training, drawing, or general exercise. Slowing down or taking a break just isn't in her agenda to the point staying idle for too long is unbearable. Despite her standoffish attitude, she is the first to jump in whenever someone needs help normally without saying much of anything. The few friends she made at Signal Academy have found that Chari responds really well to humor and warms up easier to people that use it. Her desire to protect others pushes her to the forefront of any engagement and is more than willing to take a few hits for another thanks to her semblance. While her motivation is to protect those who cannot protect themselves, Chari does not possess a positive outlook on the world as a whole. Disillusioned with the actions of the White Fang and resentful of the treatment of her father at the hands of the Astor Dust Company, she believes everyone is out for themselves until proven otherwise. Even so, she will often respond to people that greet her or ask a question before quickly moving on. [/color] [hr][color=lightgray][center][color=2677CA][h2][b][color=DF3752]Biogr[/color]aphy[/b][/h2][/color][hr][/center] Chari's tale started in one of the many ghettos in Mantle, born to Verdan and Aster Giewont. She had to fight for her life from the very beginning as complications regarding her birth did not put her at good odds for survival. Life for most Faunus in Mantle is one of uncertainty, prejudice, and poverty to which the Giewonts were no exception. It was rare for Chari to see her father during the day as he worked at one of the many Astor factories so she was almost entirely raised by her mother. The few memories she does hold of her father are typically recalled with a smile. However, it soon became necessary for her mother to seek whatever work she could find to help support the family. Everyday had its fair share of struggles and Chari found herself more and more on the streets instead of at home. It was here she learned how to survive, using cunning and wit to account for her lack in size. Overtime she grew more and more discontent with her family's situation and the Faunus's as a whole. With the White Fang propaganda that flowed through the alleys, she was considered leaving her family to join in their fight against all the injustices of the world. That was until one fateful day. Her father had worked to save up a little money to take the whole family on train ride around the Kingdom of Atlas in the economy section of the train. Chari's face was glued to the window the whole time watching the world speed by, forgetting for a moment the squalor she lived in and the harsh realities of the world. Up until then, the Grimm seemed like nothing more than another fairy tale meant to scare small children. Up until then, she admired the White Fang for doing what it takes to end their discrimination. That all ended that day. The train raced above the snow-covered land that looked like a winter wonderland. The peaceful view was soon ruined as an explosion blew apart the track in front of them, sending the train hurtling into a massive snow bank below. White Fang dropships arrived and she thought that they were there to save them. Instead, they searched the train until they found some kind of official she doesn't really recall. Fear soon descended on the passengers still conscious. Despite her best efforts, her parents were not part of them. Something suddenly caused all the White Fang to board their ships and leave. It was long before she discovered what. Grimm. It was the first time she had ever seen such monsters in person and it was near impossible not to feel afraid. They tore through the train and its passengers. As much as she tried, she could not pull one of her parents away let alone both. It was then her father managed to open his eyes and looked around in confusion. Seeing the situation, he simply instructed her to leave them, stay calm, and hide. Reluctantly, she did as she was told. What happens next is something that haunts her to this day and will never stop haunting her. When it all seemed hopeless, a group of huntsmen came to her rescue. Chari doesn't quite remember all the details but it was then that her semblance had awaken and she slipped into a kind trance. The survivors from the incident were few, and there was no other family that could take care of her. The leader of the huntsmen, a woman by the name of Lily Gallant, took her in unwilling to let another tragedy follow. The huntress took her into her home in Vale, away from the vile environment she had been living in. Lily began instructing Chari on how to become a huntress upon her insistent requests and enrolled her in Signal Academy once she was old enough to attend. It was during this time that she started expressing her interest in art starting with crude sketches to the impressive works she produces today. This was the influence of her new guardian who attempted to soothe her previous trauma with something expressive that did not involve combat. It was also Lily's influence to incorporate the gatling-gun and dust chambers in her weapon, despite Chari's initial rejection of the idea. The lance-like design of her weapon was inspired by the tales of knights and their code of chivalry. As Chari came into her own, Lily decided it was time for her to apply for Beacon Academy. It was the best day of Chari's life when she was accepted. At last she might finally be able to make an difference in the world. Prevent tragedies like the one that befell her.[/color] [/hider] Please let me know if I should tweak anything.