Ashley peers over her shoulder at Mikhail, more than a little surprised. She wasn't above using dirty tricks to see her own brand of justice done, but she did expect others to scorn her for it on occasion. When that didn't happen, she couldn't help but crack a mild smile—a genuine one, with no artificially sinister color to it. [color=#ff39d6]"You're being awfully obedient today, you know that? Is it the new armband?"[/color] she teases as she poses to show off her rank, like it was some new accessory. "Ashley," her Commander interjects. "I'm glad to see your spirits lifted, but try not to be a menace to men, yourself," he scolds, bowing to Mikhail. Ashley made a face like she'd forgotten he was standing behind her. It was at this moment that Troe mentioned her leading these "mercenaries." [color=#ff39d6][i]Guh.[/i][/color] She'd picked a really, really bad time to show off her rank in front of him. [color=#ff39d6]"I suppose that duty would naturally fall to me... but! I am a proud Captain of Lord Carradine's Knights, not a babysitter. I won't suffer anyone to slow me down,"[/color] she says sternly, tying her ponytail back up. [color=#ff39d6]"My Lord Mikhail won't, either, if I may be so bold as to speak on his behalf."[/color] With that, she turns to leave. [hr] As Ashley exits the tavern, the knights fall in behind her and her newfound companions. [color=#ff39d6]"You there,"[/color] she says to one of them. "Sir!" he answers immediately. [color=#ff39d6]"Did you see that man who threw himself out the window? Take the man beside you and tail him. He's our backup plan."[/color] "Really? Er, rather—yes sir," he stammers, taking his partner and running off. Between the clanking of armor and the cries of "make way" from Ashley's Commander, there wasn't much opportunity for conversation, though it did feel as though they were embarking on something important. When the band of would-be explorers laid eyes on the Santa Lyrica, it made them wonder if they'd really get to ride it. It was obviously a fancy ship for fancy nobles, probably fully reserved and almost certainly too expensive even for someone of Ashley's social class to casually pay for a party of five. Lord Clive at first looked confused at the addition of three extra people to Ashley's party, but then remembered that this was his cue. "Sir Captain! In the name of the law, stop admitting passengers at once!" he shouted. "My Lord. Whatever is going on?" a fancy-dressed man inquired, more than a little bit shocked. "My apologies, but I must ask that no one be permitted to board or disembark for the time being. The knights have been informed that there are criminals aboard, and I expect your full cooperation in the search." "Huh? But this is preposterous. To stow away upon the esteemed Santa Lyrica would be impossible," he protests. While their argument is going on in the background, Ashley claps her hands to her cheeks in feigned surprise. [color=#ff39d6]"Wow. This is really terrible."[/color] she says, deadpan. Turning back to her new comrades, she can't help but smirk, even though she knows that they almost certainly won't understand what's going on. Actually, upon further reflection, someone like Lady Madeline would probably accuse her of using cheap tricks to knock out the competition early. This thought wipes the smirk from her face. [color=#ff39d6]"Any sign of Table Hopper?"[/color] she asks Troe.