[quote=@MikkishtheLeprechaun] [@Kenshi] Uber Jason was certainly strong, but the hyperalloy held firm. The Terminator was thrown through railing and into a machine of unknown purpose. The makeshift spear still couldn’t damage the Terminator’s skeleton or innards. The Terminator figured out very quickly that this was an upgraded version of the man he fought earlier, who was unlike any man he understood. The Terminator noted a pit of molten metal beside the catwalk they were on. He just needed to get Uber Jason to fall into it. He threw the useless machine gun to the side and rushed Uber Jason, attempting mainly to grab him and muscle him over the side of the railing and into the molten metal. [/quote] [color=crimson]The two struggled, Jason trying to get the upper hand and his opponent would counter his attempt. Jason nearly loss his footing once, then twice, but he held on, struggling with the Terminator until the railing broke free, and the two of them were sent over. Jason reached out and grabbed part of the railing, trying to pull himself up, but there was weight pulling him down, and he thought it was be the man who won't die. Finally the railing snapped loose from Jason's grasp and he pummeled down into the molten lava. He was still fighting the Terminator as he began melting away[/color]