[quote=@MikkishtheLeprechaun] [@MajorGremlin][@Kenshi][@Dark Cloud][@ZAVAZggg] Jesse scowled at Elvis' song "Hounds are noble creatures. In many ways far more respectable than men." He said "So you're the king? This is your territory? Are you the reason I am here?" Jesse had read bits of various history books, but none that mentioned Presley; the King of rock and roll. Due to his experiences, Jesse was automatically disdainful of Elvis. [/quote] "Calm down," Zyx chimed. "He's not actual royalty, it's a self-given moniker that managed to stick. He's the king of rock and roll, a genre of music involving stringed instruments, some variant of which I hope they still have wherever you're from." [hr] In the meantime, the strange man in the white suit had exited the alley and strode out onto the street, hands still tucked deeply within the recesses of his pockets and grin very much manic. Glancing about, he kept his eyes peeled for all the ways in which he could cause a little trouble... Do a little trolling.