Suddenly, it seems the violent fellow had taken offense over what Elvis had said, along with the star being called a king. Did Jesse actually believe Presley was a crown-wearing monarch, ruling over this land? Wilson tilted his head, listening more intently now, especially with the last thing Jesse asked. Was Elvis the reason why he was here? [i]Did he summon each of them to this realm?[/i] This scientist had his doubts, but that possibility still laid on the table. But then Zyx spoke up and explained, which would hopefully soothe the aggravated man before things turned nasty. [color=9e0b0f]“Yes, he’s right,”[/color] Higgsbury piped in with a chuckle, twiddling his gloved fingertips together. [color=9e0b0f]“Honestly, he’s the least of our worries, sir. I’m sure he’s not the cause of… Whatever’s going on.”[/color] Stroking his chin, the gentleman scientist glanced off to one side, looking thoughtful. [color=ed1c24]“Th-then again, we can’t be too sure,”[/color] He’d whisper, more so to himself.