[b]Please send a PM if interested. [/b] I'm Sahara and I'm here looking for some roleplay partners. I'm more of a casual/advanced writer. If you are a free writer, I'd still be interested in writing with you. -[b]18+ is a must[/b], I'm an adult. I'd like to roleplay with other adults and there could be mature themes. -I'm capable of playing both female and male characters and I'm LQBTQ+ friendly. -I only roleplay through PM. We can also discuss limits and triggers there. [b]Original[/b] - I'm open to some original content. I don't have pairings but I do have some ideas. Please send a PM to discuss your original ideas or mine. [b]Fandom[/b] - I am just listing what I'm currently craving. If you are interested in something else don't be afraid to ask. I might know it or you could get me interested in something new. I'm also open to crossovers and have one I'm craving right now. Resident Evil 9-1-1 The Rookie Marvel Supernatural House M.D Blue Bloods Superstore Power Rangers Flashpoint Criminal Minds