Hey everyone! Lots of activity already! [@Yam I Am], [@Dog], [@Whoami]: Accepted! Go ahead and move those over to the Char tab. [@Rapid Reader]: a somewhat pre-mature accepted. Go ahead and finish up, and then you can move them over. [hr] [@Sep] On the one hand, I was trying to limit the number of players in the RP. On the other hand, I've never had an easy time saying no to old friends. Go ahead and write something up! [@DeadDrop] Same goes for you ole' pal. Unsure if [@Naril] is still interested in joining. If she is, she had dibs on the Captain role again- and I think two ship officers will make the RP too sluggish. There have also been a few changes in the timeline- the war has now only been going on for about 20 years now, instead of some crazy amount that it used to.