Silently and in a single motion, the strings holding Yue up are cut. One second she's standing there gawking at Rose, and the next she's plummeting toward the ground like it was calling her home. The only thing that saves her from ending up as a graceless heap are the presence and quick reflexes of Hyra, who scoops her up in a flash and turns her into a graceless scarf instead. "I don wanna..." she murmbles. Or mumbles. Or is it a murmumble? Somebody, help. Now that her legs aren't being used for silly things like 'standing' and 'moving at all in any way', it's amazing how quickly they've decided they're not good for anything at all, really. She tries to wiggle, or wriggle, or, uh, thing...le, but all she manages to do is drop her sword on the ground with a deafening clatter. Uh, oops! She grins sheepishly, which is the closest she can manage to an apology while she's looking into those bewitching red eyes and letting them stare straight through her soul. This feels familiar, don't it? End your journey back at the beginning kind of familiar? Here she is again in the dark surrounded by spirits and demons (oh, um? Demonish tree...y... actually come to think doesn't this have the look of a genuine... nah, nope. Lost it) and Princesses, or... princesses, she supposes, princelings? Princesslings? Whatever, tiny maid girls with a buncha fancy titles, stop distracting her! She's tryinta focus on how nice and firm and perfect Hyra's body feels supporting hers again. She's so helpless and so safe and it's fine, y'know, really fine that there's so much scary stuff 'cause none of it can touch her while she's held, see? She smiles sweetly, and that's when Hyra takes her chin between two fingers. And turns her. Slowly. To point at Rose again. And Chen. And... oh gosh. Oh goshies, gosh gosh gosh! "D-d-did you say 'Yue the Shepherdess', by chance?" she grasps at straws like a champion straw grasper at the straw grasping championship, grasping a straw, "See? I... I told you. You've got the wrong..." Goodness gracious she, imagine what it feels like to be held like [i]that?[/i] Double Super Princess Chen must live a very, ah, interesting? life to be so... eep! F-familiar with a well-spoken Dryad spirit person. Just, so, [i]so[/i] familiar and... friendly, and, ah! Wowies, what a life that must be? Are they like this all the time? Do they... do they touch like that in front of everybody? Is that a handmaiden? Is this what they're supposed to do? What if they... oh! Ohhhhhh, oh oh oh oh, oh no no no oh [i]no[/i] she's picturing it! On a hilltop by a waterfall under the moonlight, oh she's so sorry but she's picturing iiiiiiit. And there go the giggles again. She's useless until Hyra flicks her nose and starts shaking her head for her, which fixes her all the way back up to being blushing and useless instead. Much better, thank you magical wolf girl with the pretty butt. Er, t-tail! Tail is what she meant to say! Think! Oh gosh!! "I can't be the, I mean, I'm NOT the Yue you think, that is... oh, why doesn't anybody understand? All night and all day and all night again, it's Yue this and Yue that and princess princess Scales of Meaning flooferdoodle! I'm not [i]worth[/i] any of this! I don't even understand why it's happening! I'm not a Shepherdess, ok? I'm a sun farmer! I've only herded my neighbor's sheeps that one time! And that one other time, when she got sick! And the other other time when they wandered into my yard! But other than those three times, and the one after them, never! Ok? I'm not the one you're looking for! I'm not, I'm not, I'm not! I can't be! I'm not..." The fingers on her face slip away, and Yue draws up short. She glances up, but Hyra's very determinedly not looking at her right now. And then all of a sudden everything hits her like a rushing waterfall, all at once. The tiredness. How sore her bruises really are. The weight of her armor. Every aching, throbbing muscle in her entire stupid body. How hungry she is. How relieved she is that Yin is gone. How scared she still is that she made the wrong wish after all. How safe these strong arms feel. And how much danger she's in right now. Of being dropped, being kidnapped, being trussed up like a trophy and carted off to Princess So-and-So to be mounted on a plaque and shine there like a particularly gangly trout, or whatever it is she's being asked to do. Of having her adventure continue. Or even worse, having it stop. A hundred different feelings smash her all at once and even though it's ugly, even though it wasn't asked for, even though no fair maiden worth her salt should be like this in a place with so little privacy, she's helpless against the elixer. So she does what she always does when she's stuck between an impossible wall and a terrible rock. She cries. "I'm not worth all this! I'm not special, ok? I've never even been more than an afternoon's hike away from my house before! How'm I supposed to! What do I even? I'm not... I don't! I just..." The tears won't stop running down her cheeks. She isn't sniffly, isn't hiccoughing or otherwise making a mess of herself, but her cheeks are soaked and her eyes are so full of water it's a wonder demons aren't springing out from them to try and kidnap her. In any case she's quite blind, let me tell you. She catches a blur she thinks might be Cyanis? But it could just be a pile of rocks, which would definitely explain why she feels a distinct lack of judginess and disappointment from it. Because what else besides a buncha rocks'd even be able to look at her right now and not feel ashamed to know her? Kat's too busy being a Sword Guardian right now to really chime in, but this is one of those moments that would earn Yue the Bonk of Shame. Trust her. "A-a-actually... doesn't matter none. I guess. I don't want you to find the right Yue, ok? Just stop. Here I am, you caught me! Yay! I shoulda... wished for food. Haven't got so much as a dumpling on me right now. Anybody want tea? I can... mmrph. Blegh. Y'know? I got chased by river demons, and sword demons, and snake scale demons, and a buncha other demons, and [i]two[/i] Princess Yins, which is worse than all of those things! I fought a pretty ghost and I'm wearing her clothes but I don't even know her name! And now there's... there's... you! All of... you! And this' all 'cause've [i]another[/i] princess Princess somethin' or other wants a handmaiden? Don't she got plenty? Who'd wanna go [i]there?[/i] Who'd wanna put up with [i]that?"[/i] She swallows loudly. Somebody manages to wipe her eyes for her, and she's got no idea who. Her voice is tired when she opens her mouth again, but she's still got strength enough to speak. "I mean. I'm not, y'know, mad. At you. Or anything. I'd just. Um. I-isn't... a-a-ar-aren't all of you enough princesses for one lifetime? Or seven?"