[quote=@psych0pomp] [hider=Give Them the Ole Razzle Dazzle][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/cwJZOSA.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/Vb5EjEK.png[/img] 173cm [color=#b21330]|[/color] 62kg [color=#f92c68]|[/color] Seventeen [color=#fe0095]|[/color] Third Year [color=#5f4687]|[/color] Female[/center] [color=#b21330]P[/color]ERSONALITY [INDENT]They say that fortune favors the bold, but when does that boldness get to be too much? Maki couldn't tell you. A vivacious person, she's quick to state her opinion and show her combative nature. If someone steps up to Maki, she returns the favor. Quick to curse words and lewd gestures, one would assume those were her only personality traits. She gets what she wants. Unfortunately, she may have burned some bridges via emotional Molotov Cocktails to do so. Yet, that isn't the only thing that Maki is capable of. She's smart. She's intuitive. And she can sigh deeply, ruffling her bangs, and help when people really need help. Maki's not heartless. She just gives her heart sparingly.[/INDENT] [color=#f92c68]A[/color]RCANA [INDENT]The Tower[/INDENT] [color=#fe0095]P[/color]ERSONA [INDENT]Nyarlathotep[/INDENT] [color=#5f4687]S[/color]KILLS [INDENT][color=black]❤[/color] Psi [i][Light Psychic Damage][/i] [color=black]❤[/color] Ominious Words [i][Inflict Despair on 1 Foe][/i] [color=black]❤[/color] Rakunda [i][Decrease 1 Foe Defense][/i] [/INDENT] [color=#b21330]T[/color]RANSFORMATION [INDENT]Maki's face is covered with a convex, mirrored black mask with slits just for her green eyes. It leads up into a jagged and uneven crown. Her outfit is black, form-fitting, and with purple-painted metal accents on her shoulders, belt, and boots.[/INDENT] [color=#f92c68]W[/color]EAPON [INDENT]A purple, metal claw on her left hand that comes up to her elbow.[/INDENT] [color=#fe0095]H[/color]ISTORY [INDENT]Maki never fell from grace, because she never had a pedestal to stand on in the beginning. Despite gossip painting her as a bad seed, she didn't have a shitty childhood. The Ito family managed to do well for themselves. Her father was a salesman, her mother a nurse, and her two older brothers were accomplished athletes. Despite her having a strong family unit she wanted so hard to stand out that she ended up crossing the line. As a young child, she showed a talent for art that while not prodigal, was notable. This talent cultivated more and more, and as such her canvases became more and more interesting. Maki stood at the fringe of social acceptance before she backed away to explore something daring. She fell into an interesting group of peers. They were vagrants, at best. Prone to drinking, smoking, breaking and entering, and vandalism. It was this last part that caught Maki's eyes. The girl moved from oil paints to spray paints. Within a few months, she'd made a name for herself as quite the alley art savant. There she met and fell deeply in love with another punk named Toyoshiro. It was around then that her parents became more and more interested in why she came home late and sometimes disappeared in the evening. Their curiosity wasn't sated until one fateful night when Maki was caught. Immediately, Maki was branded as a delinquent. A public spectacle was made of her to deter other kids from "following her path into anarchy." It didn't make her cooler. It alienated her from everyone and everything she loved due to the target on her back. She went from being the mysterious girl at school that wore dark clothes and was up to no good into being a friendless freak. In hopes of getting their daughter back on track, the Ito's had her take up a part-time job and attend summer school. As the new school year begins, Maki still maintains her shitty job and her equally shitty reputation. Though sometimes, in quiet rebellion, she'll carve lewd sentences onto the bottom of any bench she can find. It's the small things.[/INDENT] [color=#5f4687]M[/color]ISC [INDENT][color=black]❤[/color] Despite the public humiliation, Maki is still a talented artist. She hasn't actually produced anything since her medium of walls and spray paints were taken from her. [color=black]❤[/color] She is always wearing headphones. People assume it's some sort of emo-metal. Maybe it is. Maybe it's also pop music. [color=black]❤[/color] Doesn't know what Toyoshiro is up to. She hasn't seen him since she got in trouble. [color=black]❤[/color] Maki's arch-enemy may or may not be the dog that runs the street by where she works.[/INDENT][/hider] [/quote] The only nitpick I'd have to point out is that Nyarlathotep does already exist as a malevolent being, so unfortunately you'd need to pick out another Persona.