As Cat got closer she could make out more details on the door that she couldn't have noticed as easily in the darkness. It actually looks like someone [i]had[/i] tried to get in a long time ago, as the lock was beaten and the edges of the door splintered, but it looks like they failed. There was ice around the door frame itself freezing it in place, but sufficient enough force could likely knock the door off it's hinges. Alternatively, if the lock itself was disabled, it would make it much easier to push open the door. Donny came over with his lighter to try and illuminate the door some more. [color=firebrick]"Locked huh? Hmm... Not much of a locksmith, but I might have something."[/color] Turning the lighter off Donny dug through his pack before he found what he was looking for, than turned his lighter back on and handed it to Cat. it looked like a small screwdriver and a small metal hook. [color=firebrick]"Might not work but it's better than nothing. Usually we just broke open locks but this sort of pick is good for gunlocks and other small mechanisms. This is probably a basic pin tumbler, so you just need to positions the pin in place and torque the lock once they're set. I'll hold the light up so you can see, try to work it open."[/color] As Donny held the lighter close to the lock Cat could see that the tools she was given weren't the best. If she messed up opening the lock, she's liable to break the pick inside of the lock and render it effectively useless.