[code]C:\Expanse\Data\User_Data\Suzuki_Takada...[/code] A small twitch on her nose caused Suzi to awaken as if dust had provoked a potential sneeze. Her small body lay in a bed of ground flooring, and for a moment, her mind immediately grasped to the thought, she had fallen asleep outside in the countryside, again... except, this thought did not seem correct. She no longer lived in the country. Her family had moved some time ago. Suzi took several calming breaths. Her eyes scanned the world around her, first with the sky, then the ground, touched by her hands. She slowly rolled her body over, pushing it upwards, and in the process, she noticed a light yellowish colored device wrapped around her left wrist. It was right next to her small white Russian prayer beads, "Huh?" Her small voice opened for the first time as her eyes soaked in the nature of what she was discovering. Her face slowly turned towards the other bodies, gently strewn around the same area. Her brows knitted together for a brief moment while she continued studying everything, and a small shiver went through her wrists as she pushed her body upwards and onto her feet, "Where are we?" She whispered aloud, silently hoping that someone else would hear her... like the girl the long dark haired girl, who was already awake and sitting upwards. Suzi was going to say something more to her when she noticed a small hologram over her vision. She swallowed, and took a step backward, almost stumbling over the air. [i]Welcome?[/i] Her crooked front teeth bit down on her fatted bottom lip, as the words changed in front of her eyes. The transition was smooth and not obtrusive to her vision, which seemed comforting and concerning all the same. Her hand waved in front of her face, as to feel for anything that could have been put on her head — nothing. It was as if someone had put a chip in her brain, [i]Ah![/i] Quickly and almost erratically, Suzi began feeling her head for any bald spots, but upon finding none, her hands loosened and began falling to her waist, again, except her eyes caught glimpse of her left wrist, wearing the device. She paused her juvenile motions and stared at the device, allowing herself to get lost in admiring and contemplating it. A small white egg projected on the hologram screen. [i]Babel... Program... Initia... lized...[/i] her mouth moved inaudibly to the three new words displaying themselves, and then the younger girl repeated them with a naively excited voice. Fear was still at the base of her thoughts; yet her childish endeavors kept her curious. "Where are we?" Her small voice repeated, again, hoping someone would have an explanation. Anyone, if not the dark haired girl, maybe another one of the persons. Many of them appeared older than her, at least height wise. They also looked to be from different countries. Her attention shifted upwards, and she noticed a tower and five small boxes. This didn't feel like earth. Were they on some alien planet? [i]Or maybe,[/i] she thought as she concentrated on the hologram of the egg, [i]we're in some sort of video game.[/i] [center][code]🥚 ■■■■■■■■■■■□□□[/code][/center]