Bane lead the girl thru the busy streets, making sure not to leave her side. The girl had had a point, the city was dangerous, and being carefree with who you asked for help was a game of chance. So he would make sure she got to the Green fairy in one piece. He did like the fact she liked to let him on his head and neck when they had to pause for cars or other transports. After a while they made it to the lower part of town where it wasn’t so busy and it felt like a richer history floated here. THe buildings were more personal and warmer colors were used. It felt like a 180 compared to the main part of the city. They made a turn and Claire would see at the end of the street a huge green building, the sign above the door with faded green paint a fairy painted on it. Bane sat down and barked happily, glad they made it there in one piece. Then he led her to the door, his tail wagging. Fenrir sat up from where he was laying by the desk and growled, not liking his lady being bothered. Serena stopped her muttering and looked over, holding her bag with one hand and her notebook in the other. She frowned and stood fully, her eyes watching him carefully. “I thought I told the boys I wasn’t to be intruded upon at the moment, seeing is I have a lot of work to do” She moved around the desk and folded her arms, her eyes glowing softly. “You seem to know my name but I must have missed you when you came in and out of respect made introductions. You may had saved me from a fall before but that doesn’t mean you get to be rude” she turned and when back to her map on the wall, making mental note of the last location of attack. Then she nodded and turned back to the lord. “If you must waste my time, I got the case when it was brought to me by the family of the first one taken six weeks ago. The court didn’t even notice until the third soul was missing. Not that I wait for them...they take forever to pick dates for dinner parties” now that he was closer to her, she was striking with her silver eyes and dark raven hair. But she also looked tired. She walked up to him and said “now, unless you plan to come with me, I can’t spare anymore time standing here. Peoples lives are at risk, and I must end this suffering” she moved to the door, wondering if he would follow. If he did, she was click her tongue for Fenrir to follow them and she headed for the front doors. She added as they walked “I can fill you in when we secure a coach, I’m learning not to walk and be lost in my thinking at the same time”