Andersen studied Rareth’s face closely. “Of course.” She said. Thebes nodded at the Datius kind offer. “Thank you.” He glanced around. “We’ll think about it.” None of the assembled parties appeared keen on small talk, so from there they quickly said their goodbyes and went on their way. The Sacred Band to begin a long night of mourning, and the Captain to talk to the ship’s resident spook. [hr] Freyr had bad dreams again that night. She woke up tangled up in her bed sheets on the floor with someone knocking at the door. “You alright, Freyr?” She recognised Dr Wetherall’s voice. She gulped to wet her bone-dry throat before answering. “Yes, fine. Just a bad dream.” There was a pause from behind the door. “You were shouting. I think a somnologist would call that a night terror.” Freyr opened her cabin door, dressed in her ship-issue pyjamas. “I’m fine. Coffee and granola please, if you’re making some.” The old scientist sighed, before bowing deeply. “Oui, madame. Good choice!” He straightened with a flourish, and Freyr closed her cabin door again. She sighed herself, rubbing her eyes. She desperately wanted to share her ordeal with someone, but it would only make her team drop the ball. For now, she just needed to put on a brave face until they had more answers. Freyr changed into comfy grey tracksuit bottoms with running shoes for her feet. She then completed the look with a white t-shirt emblazoned with her department’s sigil and her trusty lab coat. Once ready, she strolled out of her cabin and plastered a sweet smile on her as she took her breakfast and coffee from her colleague. “What are we working on?” She asked, as they walked through to the lab together. “We’re synthesizing all the data we retrieved from our encounter with the sim. Then, we’re going to brainstorm potential sites for the other objects.” Freyr slurped her coffee. “What did Dr Hou’s sample-set come back with? Any clues in Human DNA?” Dr Wetherall pursed his lips. “You know what, i’m not sure. I’ll look into it.”