[hr][center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/72a8e9c5-65d2-44b5-b2ed-0a7eb12b82c2.png[/img][/center][hr][indent] Hot. That's honestly all Vacuo was. Hot. More than once had Fiona been grateful that they were zipping through the plains instead of being on foot, though one side of her neck was a little warmer. Having chosen the front seat, the last thing she wanted was her long hair assaulting the poor souls behind her, so she had chosen to hold it in place with her right hand. Despite the building heat, she figured it probably would have been easier if she had just chosen to tie it. Oh well, it was her own fault, she had definitely been warned about the heat. Then again, being told one thing and experiencing it was another thing. Letting out a tiny exhale, Fiona stared up at the sky. Not a cloud in sight to offer any shade! It was troublesome, but she figured listening in would take her mind off the heat, if only for a little while. Introductions were long overdue, but she had to admit she wasn't too keen on the idea. Her name was easy enough, but what qualified as 'interesting'? As she tried to think, she felt Nivea's nudge, feeling like that was her cue to speak up, though she was beaten to the punch. Shoot, she really needed to get on that faster. Still, when there was a chance, she hesitated. No, no need for that. New start. [color=skyblue]"I'm Fiona,"[/color] She decided to speak up as clearly as possible. [color=skyblue]"And I studied dust primarily before coming here. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance."[/color] That was fine, right? It was sort of interesting. She did genuinely enjoy the pursuit of knowledge and it wasn't always expected with a combat-focused academy. Unless it was? Well, not standing out wasn't the worst thing. She continued to hold her hair in place, returning her gaze to the landscape. [/indent][hr]