At this time the two had finally redirected their attention to the brute at hand, the big brute - the bad brute. Elna shouldered her rifle and fired upon the creature as its shields were simply corpsed, ripped apart though there was a 'friendly' Elite nearby, she simply had to take the chance to take the thing out, the other Elite had shields right? Though her aim was not shakey or bad by any means, she was a pro. Pulling the trigger a line of hate made its way towards The brute, flying at a break-neck pace it would hit his armor, hit him.. Where fate would roll its dice would simply but up to her aim.. For Roy he lacked the firepower to simply engage, opting to cover the duo in case any straggler rebels showed up he'd blast them into a million federal bits of death. He turned around sweeping up some stragglers but there wasn't much he could do now, they were dead and the show simply laid on the rest of the team. Would they corpse this brute chieftain? The sounds of war echoed out without too much remorse, soon enough this would come to a close. Soon.