Robena and Alitel have at time seems like they were friends, they were peers, that they were rivals, even that they were courting. But in the heat of combat they are neither of those things. Lady Sandsfern is the Countess and Robena Coilleghille is her sworn bodyguard. No matter what exists between them the oath of fealty is the only aspect without ambiguity. She is the shield she carries. It is hers to place that steel-bound wood between the King's blade and her Lady's heart. And when the shield fails it is hers to use her sword, her wrists, her shoulders and if needed her body. Whatever mistakes Sansfern makes it is Robena who bleeds and she suffers this duty silent and resolute. Again and again she turns her strength and speed and plate to the task of preserving her lady. She is battered, she is struck to her knees, she is hurled and punished and broken and all the while her lady becomes more and more akin to the fire that dwells within her heart. Let her lady fight as she wills and use her as she must. She will carry this burden without complaint as she has for so many years. This blood, this pain, this is her reason for being made manifest upon her body. [Undertaking great labour to open the path for Sandsfern: 8]