Another update, and that means another word from me. First of all, we have our first NPC Masquerade Guest, 'Mister Violet', and secondly, this most recent update is a great learning moment for two things! 1) Whenever I am writing update, I am making rolls for plenty of things behind the scenes. A good example of that, is noticing the mud on Mister Violet's shoes. I rolled for both Moses and Renee (against their Spot (Hidden) stats for those following along from home), and Moses failed, but Renee succeeded, and so Renee notices the mud, while Moses doesn't. This is also a good reminder that you have no idea what you might find out when you call for some rolls! 2) We now have two groups of more than two (that is Moses, Renee and Mister Violet in one group, and Alvin, Drachen and Rosanna in the other). If you want to have conversations, then it's going to be a fairly glacial conversation if each conversationalist is only getting one line out per post. Instead, you have the option of getting in touch with each other (and me if you are including an NPC) and working out a longer conversation. Just let me know if you want/need any help setting it up, and I'm looking forward to seeing what people get up to!