Neil grinned, emboldened by his theatrics and Junebug's approval. The fire from the detonations were a sheen off his glasses, and he turned to follow his girlfriend and superior officer, hefting his gun and reloading three grenades in it. Junebug had more hands on experience than Neil in ground operations, but he was still a veteran compared to most his age, and if there was one thing he knew, it was explosive devices. Behind them, Saxon snorted. Though Neil guessed it was a huff of complaint, the big xenos stamping his hoofed feet in the dirt of the wasteland. "Do you suggest we leave these men here?" He growled from deep within his throat. "Once we start shooting, they'll turn on us and be at our flanks!" Neil and Junebug turned back at him simultaneously, Taya jogging past him to get as far away from the annoyed Hex and the gangers now looting the drugs as she could. It was only the mutants that had stayed at the vehicle that kept her from leaping in, though Neil had to admit he was surprised the three hadn't driven off. He guessed they were afraid enough of Junebug's armor and Saxon to really mess with the group. Neil also had to admit Saxon had a point when it came to the group they had just worked with, as they'd betray them on a dime once the real shooting started. Though the pilot also knew Saxon's real reason for giving such sound logic: He was impatient for action. "Well, I don't see the problem with Saxon taking out this group while we move on ahead. Do you, captain?" Neil asked aloud. With the glare of the fire, he couldn't read her face. But she turned, her voice echoing out of the speakers of the suit. "Fair enough, just kill paco quick. He was a funny one." She quipped, now moving forward again. She added a last addition as she stepped past the vehicle. "And don't take long! We'll probably need you soon." A Hexanagallion's smile was a disturbing sight, even to someone who was more learned in their physiology like Neil. Saxon craned his head high, stretching his neck as he overlooked the area, before lowering it and turning his hulking, saurian form towards the warehouse, just as the men began piling packages of drugs and other goods into the trucks. Neil made a sign to Gideon, then ran to catch up to Junebug. "What about us!?" The lead mutant asked, but Junebug had already marched out of earshot. That or she deigned not to acknowledge their presence. Neil halted at the aircar and shrugged. "You fellas were good set pieces, but now we kind of don't need you anymore. If I were you I'd get the hell out of here, or keep Taya safe in the aircar." Neil casually let his grenade launcher rest on his hand, the barrel pointing straight at the vehicle to showcase just what would happen if they took any advantage of Taya while they were gone. "In fact, you're going to guard her. Taya, get in the driver's seat and keep the aircar out of sight until we call." As if he had plucked the beacon out of the air, Neil planted a small device on the hood of the vehicle. It gave a small light that flashed every other moment, softly enough not to be seen at any great distance. "If any of you three don't keep her safe and unharmed, we'll follow you to the ends of the galaxy and buttfuck you out of existence, sound good?" "No need to threaten us." The head mutant said, visibly shaken. "We'd cross Stinger before you guys, even if you weren't holding us at gunpoint." Neil believed him. Their group was pretty intimidating and fairly technologically advanced for such a backwater world. With that, Neil jogged after Sayeeda, ready to take on both gangs at once.