Maréngo felt the newcomer's eyes on him and returned Nora's gaze with a smile of greeting and a friendly nod for her savage companion. He looked her over and found nothing wanting from the Zherpanian. A sword on each hip implied any number of hidden weapons and not to mention the ornately carved rifle across her back. A thing of beauty with few peers. There was little doubt in his mind it was either plunder or a gift; most likely the former. The pirate also recognized a fellow pirate when he saw one, even if she sailed dunes rather than waves. She had the sort of hardened look about her that only one who makes their living far from civilization has. Speaking of, the oak tree shaped like a Tork man accompanying her was an especially good example of such a look. A thought crossed his mind that if they tied a rope around the wild man's ankle and threw him overboard he would make a decent anchor by weight alone. [color=7bcdc8][i]"A perfect addition to the crew!"[/i][/color] Maréngo thought to himself with an amused smirk. Jokes aside, his own experience told him there was rarely such a thing as too much muscle in a group of outlaws. Neh'miah's self assuredness gave Maréngo pause. Confidence was one thing, but his felt tainted with arrogance and he was not looking to almost get himself killed twice for the same brand of foolishness in the same month. He'd have to keep a sharp eye on that one to be sure. He caught sight of Solange attempting to make a mark of poor Percy and shook his head with a chuckle as he relieved the bar keep of a pitcher. [color=00a99d]"Temptin' a man as he works, Ms. Belgrad? Shame on you!"[/color] he admonished sarcastically, [color=00a99d]"Leave the poor man be and let's have that toast you mentioned earlier."[/color] Maréngo poured himself a horn and raised it up with a smile. [color=00a99d]"To health, wealth, adventure, and new friends!"[/color]