[center][h2][color=8dc73f]Margot[/color][/h2][/center] [center][b]On the docks[/b][/center] [color=FF4E3D]"if you're half the mage you say you are, then beating the Captain of Whoever the fuck's knights should be a walk in the park no? I'm sure everyone else here would be interested in seeing these abilities of yours as well, gotta see it to believe in it is the motto I live by"[/color] Margot looked at Captain Dark Hair, then at the big giant woman with one arm, then back at Dark Hair. The idea of physical confrontation scared the shit out of her, and so she panicked. Margot replied to the one-armed woman, [color=8dc73f]"Uh, excuse ME??? I am uh... FOR YOUR INFORMATION, I am currently experiencing a type of uh.... sugar relapse disorder and it is incapacitating my ability to physical harness my magical prowess, but....... uh.... REST ASSURED! I can kick anyone's butt anytime! UH... when I'm not currently incapacitated, I mean!!!!"[/color]