[h2]Aerynne[/h2][hr] The day began fine for Aerynne. It had been a while since she was able to sleep on even a mildly fluffy bed like the one from the family that took her in while she was staying in Hensia. Renting a room in a family house certainly beat a cheap inn any day of the week, especially when she could get some tasty freshly baked bread out of it. How was it, again? Bread and Breakfast... Aerynne certainly could get used to that. Or so she thought as she made her way to HAHL's headquarters. Thanks to having made her reservations a day before, it was no problem for Aerynne to just come and collect her temporary license. Openings of ruins like this one always attracted all kinds of crowds, from real hardcore pros to curious people just wanting to take a look. Case in point, the strange duo of a—seemingly—gritty old man dressed in what looked like surplus military gear and a small girl who looked like she could going out for a field trip. Since she had nothing better to do, Aerynne decided to observe it from a short distance. And then, as she did so, a couple more joined the previous two. "Party forming sure does look like a good idea. Maybe I should try doing it too?" Aerynne said to herself as she continued to observe the people around her while slowly plucking bite-sized bits of her bread and eating them. [hr] [@Searat][@VitaVitaAR][@Rune_Alchemist][@AzureKnight]