[hr][center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/72a8e9c5-65d2-44b5-b2ed-0a7eb12b82c2.png[/img][/center][hr][indent] [i][color=skyblue]Oh boy.[/color][/i] This was the place they were supposed to clear out? The fact that it hadn't been cleared out by official Vacuan forces was troubling. Well, seeing as how they were now the ones to clear the nest, she supposed that perhaps they were waiting for them to clear out the Grimm before properly tearing down the building. At least, that was her optimistic assumption, as the shape of the building looked to have been standing for far longer than it should have. Niva informed them she would participate as an observer and nothing more. In a way, Fiona thought that was probably for the best; there was no better way to get into the swing of what being a Huntress was if she didn't dip her toes into the pool herself. Kohaku asked who was taking point before clarifying that she needed some distance. Rio stated he would be taking point--however, when she looked at his weapon, she figured that while it was good for an attack, she was unsure of its defensive capabilities. Saffron brought up a point with the walls, but she didn't think that'd be too much of a problem. Now that she was properly looking at their weapons, however, she realized that Kohaku and Rio's were custom. Well, not custom, but definitely not official in any capacity, more like homemade. Taking her eyes off of Kohaku's staff, Fiona turned her attention to the group. [color=skyblue]"Rio should take point. Saffron will follow, then myself, and Kohaku will bring up the rear,"[/color] She stated, pointing to each member. [color=skyblue]"We'll remain in a linear formation until we encounter more open areas--the building shouldn't be completely hallway if beowolves are around."[/color] [/indent][hr]