[center][img]https://heroesassemble.mushhaven.com/images/a/a2/Nico.gif[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210321/01ad8d028d35c77e6c3e3d9ab2cb4b33.png[/img] [hr][hr] [color=C652D5][i]”And with the fiftieth anniversary of the mysterious Hangman murders coming up in just a weeks time; the question remains if that monstrous mans final prophecy will come to pass. Will the Hangman return from beyond the grave to exact his revenge on the town that put an end to his rampage? I guess time will tell dear viewers. That’s about all the time I have for this episode. Next time, we’re gonna delve into something a little closer to home. By popular demand I’m gonna deep dive into the mysterious death of Amanda Caulfield in the Edenridge Shoe Factory Fire. Was it an accident? Murder? Suicide? As someone who knew the parties involved, this host has her own ideas. Let’s explore the dark together though, my friends, until next time I’m your Demon Dream Girl Mei Midnight, signing off and as always remember, when it’s dark and your fear hits just the right level, listen close and you just might hear the Midnight Frequency”[/i][/color] Upon hitting upload onto her latest file, Mei, dressed in nothing but a black tank top and underwear, got up from her computer and turned away to head into her walk-in closet. In the small studio apartment she had held for the last few months, her closet pretty much took up most of the space. Her kitchen and bedroom were small and her bathroom, when it had running water, was the size of a phone booth. It was a Goddess-send really when her father said she could use the Dojo’s showers whenever she needed. The only illumination in her pitch black apartment other than her laptop was a purple neon sign that read [i]“The Deadlights”[/i]. Popping in her earbuds, Mei pressed play on her phone and as the [url=https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VMuMm0atpMk]tunes began to play[/url], she began to apply her makeup for the day. Midway through the application, she stopped to gaze into the mirror for a moment, her free hand drifting up her midsection and settling into the still rough scar tissue on her neck. Mei’s eyes closed and she was transported back to the art room of Edenridge High. She could hear the glass shattering from the door that Charlie shot out. She could feel the hot blood dripping down from her neck onto her torso and hitting the cold marble floor of Miss Meek’s classroom. Pushing out her demons with a sharp breath; Mei turned up the music in her ears to full and began to sort through her dark clothes looking for an outfit for the day. Finally settling upon a short off the shoulder skater dress (black of course) fishnets and her Docs, she hung her hair long and used a thick choker to cover her scar. Once she was happy with her look, Mei pulled herself to her feet, grabbed a pile of papers from the desk and left her craphole of a home. [color=FFDC55]“Morning Mei”[/color] a deep baritone voice called behind her. The artist turned and waved at the [url=https://static01.nyt.com/images/2021/02/24/arts/24projectionist-kingsley1/merlin_184170897_b157be9e-58dc-4c73-912e-520c7400195c-mobileMasterAt3x.jpg]man[/url] standing by her front door. He was tall, slim and greying but his strong frame exuded authority. He was leaned up against the exterior of her apartment with his legs crossed and his hands in his pockets. She glared at him as she slipped the roll of papers in her hand into the mailbox. [color=C652D5]”Good morning, Agent Hearst. So you’re following ME today?”[/color] [color=FFDC55]“No, just passing by. Lotta mail you’re posting. Don’t kids just use Instagram or Pinterest nowadays?”[/color] [color=C652D5]”I get a lot of commissions, I don’t trust technology”[/color] She responded. [color=C652D5]”Don’t federal agents actually solve crimes instead of hanging around people’s houses?”[/color] Mei spat at the floor, taking the perfect image of Hearst before her and projecting it into the dirt where her spit landed. [color=FFDC55]“Be seeing you Mei”[/color] Hearst pulled a hand from one of his pockets and pushed up his horn rimmed glasses with a smile before turning the opposite direction to the young woman and heading down the sloped path. Mei kissed her middle finger towards the federal before spinning on her heel and heading deeper into town. She breezed past her family dojo and even through her earbuds, the dark priestess could hear the grunts and chants of her fathers students. Daddy dearest did like to get started early; the poor guys under his tutelage didn’t stand a chance. Nobody could outwork Will Ramsey; that was a simple fact of life but his second born daughter certainly came close. Peering in through one of the windows, Mei smiled as the group performed the kata. It was obviously the beginners class. A short while later, Mei found herself in the Edenridge graveyard. It was a shortcut she felt safe taking. Too many people considered the walk amongst the tombstones just as cursed as Edenridge High. Emerging from behind a tree she noted the long mane of a former classmate, talking to the grave she was coming to visit herself. [color=C652D5]”She won’t respond Vin, the dead don’t tell tales unless you bribe them”[/color][/center]