[h3]Searching for pokemon...[/h3][hr] As Troy ventured towards the gardens, he would see a plethora of Pokemon playing and feeding about. He saw some more common Pokemon like Wurmple or Caterpie, Rattata and Sentret. But he also would notice a very distressed looking trainer cradling their Pokemon in a patch of grass. The trainer also saw Troy venturing deeper into the gardens and scrambled up hurriedly, returning his Pokemon before booking it over to Troy. [color=lightgray]“HEY!”[/color] He shouted. He was a tiny boy with a bowl cut of dark blue hair and large, round glasses set on his round face. [color=lightgray]“Y-you don’t want to go into the gardens at this time! It’s not safe!”[/color] The trainer yelled. [color=lightgray]“There’s this Pokemon…!”[/color] He stopped as he caught up to Troy, huffing and puffing. [color=lightgray]“That Pokemon is too strong. I’ve seen it go around and any wilds that try to pick a fight with it end up fainted… Not to mention trainers too.”[/color] He wiped the sweat off his forehead and took a moment to catch his breath. [color=lightgray]“I had some Sweet Honey from Sinnoh. You know what that is, right? It’s a special honey that attracts pokemon. I was trying to catch a Heracross… I heard they come here.”[/color] The trainer clutched his poke ball and look down, his voice low. [color=lightgray]“I didn’t mean to pick a fight with it, but it came up to me for a challenge! It even stole the rest of my honey and berries from me! Ugh… It was too much. They took out my Swirlix, Swirlie.”[/color] He groaned and shook his head. [color=lightgray]“And I didn’t have my pokedex on me, so I don’t know what it is… if I could have identified it maybe Swirlie wouldn’t have gotten hurt. I wish I had a potion on me right now...”[/color] He took his glasses off and cleaned them thoroughly, and when he put them back on he looked at Troy and blinked as if he were seeing him clearly for the first time. [color=lightgray]“Say wait a second… White hair, super tall, grumpy face… Are you one of the new transfer students? Troy, right? I think I saw you at the assembly this morning… And my friend Bobby’s in your homeroom. He texted me about how he lost against you… Then he told me about how you won. He’s kind of obsessed if you ask me, really. But hmm, hmm! This is interesting...”[/color] Gone was the despairing look on his face, replaced by a more thoughtful expression. An idea seemed to be dawning in the trainer’s shiny coconut head. [color=lightgray]“Maybe you’re strong enough to take it on! Then I could get the rest of my items back! But I don’t know… That Pokemon has the ultimate terrain advantage. By that I mean it hides in the trees and strikes from the branches. And even when it’s down on the ground, it’s nearly impossible to hit.”[/color] He sighed and shook his head. [color=lightgray]"Nevermind... You may not be interested. I probably shouldn't have approached you."[/color] Well, things were taking a pretty interesting turn. How would Troy respond? [hr] [@Ryik]