[color=firebrick]"Cold waves? Hmm... Can't say I have. At least not in recent memory."[/color] From how she described them, Donny was almost certain that his family had to deal with a Cold Wave early into the end of the world. It's what killed his father. It's why his mother had urged him and his siblings to keep running, to never stay inside of cars, and to always stay warm even when it got so stuffy it was suffocating. Donny only never went through a Cold Wave because he always made sure never to be caught in one. [color=firebrick]"Worse comes to worse, if it's stormy topside, we'll just have to make camp in the metro. Not the safest, but nothing is out there."[/color] Donny says with a sigh as he adjusted his torch and continued to follow Cat. It was a largely uneventful walk, which could be considered a good thing. Aside from ancient, dusty ruins, there wasn't much of note. The occasional bathroom that was full of mold and rust, the occasional dead body long reduced to a skeleton and scraps, and occasional parts of the ceiling collapsed after years of no maintenance. Soon it would lead to the metro proper. It wasn't much bigger than the tunnel they took to get here, but compared to the way they came the metro seemed to have held up mostly well. Less parts of the tunnel were worn by weather and time, bit it's certainly been long abandoned. It also reeked of waste: no doubt due to nearby latrines that have backed up and contained years worth of sewage that's just been never drained. Donny fortunately couldn't smell it through his mask. [color=firebrick]"Torch is still going strong, but it's running out of rope. If we're going to make camp, I'd like to at least try to save a bit of the torch to make a fire. To cook that crab meat if nothing else."[/color] There were two ways to go. Based off the signs there was the north line and the east line. Donny pointed his axe towards the east line. [color=firebrick]"From what I've heard, this fabled town is due east. Underhaven it's called. A place for exiles, muties, and a bunch of others who don't mind living too close to some blasted out radioactive wasteland. Not exactly what I'd call a comfy, but I'm in no position to be picky."[/color] He lowered his axe and looked to Cat. [color=firebrick]"Say if you don't mind me asking... What's your colony anyways? Like where was it at."[/color]