[i]Taurus Altobelli, The Warren Interactions: [b]Grace Elafi, August Weiss[/b][/i] [color=DeepSkyBlue]”Its no trouble at all, my treat.”[/color] Taurus assured, waving away the protest. He brushed a lock of hair out of his eyes and scooted his bar stool back a little, so he could see and speak to both Gracie and August on either side. He was tempted to put himself at the edge of the little group they’d formed but he’d seen the flicker of uncertainty in Gracies eyes as August had approached them and, from one prey animal to another, he understood. Although he knew August would never mean harm, the large canine teeth didn’t do him many favours. He understood the trepidation, he’d been the same when he was younger. Despite his height now, he’d been fairly small and slight when he was but a calf, and so painfully shy that others thought him slow. He’d been bullied relentlessly but both herbivores and carnivores alike. ‘Milk machine’, they’d call him, ‘farm boy’ and all variations. One particularly spiteful group of badgers had cornered him and stuck him with cattle prods. But he’d grown into himself. He soon excelled his classmates in both height and grades. He applied himself in every subject and found solace in the pages of old, leather bound tomes. He taught himself out of his thick country accent and attended elocution lessons. He sharpened his wit and held his head high, looking people in the eye when he spoke to them - he wouldn’t let anyone make him feel inferior for his heritage. [color=DeepSkyBlue]”We’re both on the track team. Miss Grace absolutely excels and leaves everyone else in the dust.”[/color] He grinned, addressing August’s question. [color=DeepSkyBlue]”Are either of you planning on going to the carnival this weekend? I’m on the fence about it.”[/color] He asked, thanking Theodore as he bought over Taurus’ drink. An orange based, fruity thing completely loaded up with ice. He still wasn’t entirely sure what was in it himself.