[color=CC6633][b]"See!? Big Red's holding back a bit, but its way harder for him to try and knock me down when I'm in a proper stance."[/b][/color] The nomad girl was hoping the lesson would be obvious, but it seemed that their druidic friend would need more instruction than just showing. [color=CC6633][b]"You have a point. Learning the rights and wrongs of proper stances is better by doing it yourself. Here!"[/b][/color] she said, handing over her stick to the girl before going to find another one. [color=CC6633][b]"The staff you carry would be really good at blocking bladed weapons since its sturdy, but we can go over that another time. For now, take your stance and I'll hit your stick. I guess while we do this, Big Red can be our referee. He's way better at fighting than I am,"[/b][/color] she said, looking to their lizard companion. [color=CC6633][b]"That is if you don't mind, and all."[/b][/color] The girl seemed very enthusiastic about getting to teach a little bit. That and, it probably made more sense to not have the physically weakest member of the party start off sparring with the strongest one.