Drachen glanced between the coachman and the smaller woman when she speaks up after the driver. Was there an issue being early? He didn't imagine the man getting a lot of time to socialize, and judging by his quietness and dourness he probably didn't even [i]want[/i] to. Then the girl reciprocated his greeting, which earned her a nod of that great and shaggy head. [color=red]"Yes, strangely enough.[/color] He replied before his eyes turned out to look at the youth picking his pace up towards the carriage. A short moment later and they were instructed to keep their masks on and go by aliases from this point onward. That just got a nod in response, so Mister Red huh? It made sense considering the mask he slipped on was blood red, angry looking, with a couple horns. He only had it because it was a gift from a fellow overseas, he had gone to Japan and returned with souvenirs for friends. But still, Mister Red, Lady Gold, and Mister Cobalt when the youth finally got to the carriage. The little door was opened and the woman was allowed in first, which was normal. Ladies before gentlemen and all that jazz. The boy offered for Drachen to go second since he had arrived last. This got a shrug before he got in. Although his weight did rock the carriage on its axles. His size and weight were seemingly an absolute rarity. A normal sized man with his weight would probably have great difficulty just walking and breathing! But either way, he settled into the carriage opposite Lady Gold and tried to keep his legs and feet to himself while nearly taking up the whole seat. If the two university students had read fiction they could try and pin him as a fantasy ogre.