[quote=@Dark Cloud] Dead Cells has the best graphics for a Switch game, by far [i]the[/i] best graphics I've seen. [/quote] I have those two games on PC. (Hades/Dead Cells.) But I could certainly believe it to be in the upper echelon on the Switch, with how its art design is. Honestly, the Switch's games can look quite pretty. Hollow Knight looked fantastic on it for example. (To me.) (Though can confirm that Switch's version of Risk of Rain 2 is a bit uggo. But graphics have never been that big of a deal. (To me.) [i]Good luck on your gaming scavenger hunt.[/i] I've never pre-ordered games or consoles. (And you shouldn't either, person reading. :I) But the only game that I've ever had an issue finding at release was "Until Dawn". (The so-bad-its-well-probably-still-bad horror game, that I enjoyed playing regardless.) Checked most of the stores in my area with no luck, and finally, I find a copy of it at Target. (I think. Maybe it was a Walmart.) Though since the employees didn't know if a single copy existed or not. I ended up looking for the thing on my own. And the poor box wasn't even on the shelf with the other games. Its lying on the bottom shelf, all on its own, with no price tag to be found. (So among everything else that happened with its lack of PR at the time. Sony really wanted that game to die, it seems.)