[h1][color=purple]Kalama Guynn[/color] & [color=cadetblue]Rowan Childe[/color][/h1] A knack? Rowan frowned when Elysia brought it up, remembering that paragraph in the book clearly as it described qualities that, though unlikely or unexplainable, wouldn't necessarily seem like magic. Exactly like the sense of danger he would get right before shit really went down, that sense which had saved him time and time again. When Kyle answered, his mind was made up. [color=cadetblue]"I think so, yeah. I know when something dangerous is going to happen, at least most of the time,"[/color] he said with a little shrug. [color=cadetblue]"I always just thought it was my subconscious, but who knows?"[/color] [color=purple]"That sounds pretty magical to me, bruh. Does cooking count? I guess my stuff always tastes good, even when it doesn't... if that makes any sense. People really like it even when it doesn't turn out. Is that dumb?"[/color] Kal asked, scratching her head. [color=purple]"I didn't explain that very well, but... yeah."[/color] The group was already starting to leave, so she picked up her things and walked to the door, frowning at her shoes. She thought about asking Rowan if he was going back to their apartment, but he was already going the other way back towards campus to get his bike. Rather than go straight home, Kalama decided to find somewhere quiet to practice starting fires. It wasn't something she was going to mess with in her own bedroom, but there were some public parks that usually got pretty quiet after dark. Hopefully any casual passers-by would just assume she was a smoker playing with her lighter. To give herself a cover story, she decided to stop by a convenience store to get an actual lighter on her way there. Meanwhile Rowan headed back to campus to get his bike, but by the time he got there he realized that the whole Ken thing was still bothering him too much to ignore. Rather than biking towards his apartment, Rowan decided to head back to the spot where the rat had attacked the driver and see if his Gift with animals would yield any new clues. It seemed like a long shot, but it felt more productive than going home and pretending like life was still normal. --- [h1]Text Message to Caleb, 12:27 a.m.[/h1] [quote]Homework help session in annex room 204 tomorrow 3pm. You can bring your questions & a rough draft of your midterm essay. Leave the inappropriate attitude.[/quote]