[hr][hr][center][img]https://s22.postimg.cc/6g8onsz41/6a8a04c0ca1b1adbb23631ae5dfd661b.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/jvJ31KK.png?1[/img][hr][img]https://media.giphy.com/media/46zr4g0Jz6F5d3fBI2/giphy.gif[/img][hr][@BlueSky44][@Kirah][@Nallore][@Natsu][@Trainerblue192][hr][h3][color=84B4E2][b] May 17th, 2021[/b][/color][/h3][/center][hr][center][hr][h3][color=84B4E2][b]Skrull Prison Ship - Orbiting Saturn[/b][/color][/h3][/center][hr] The Invisible Woman was both providing cover via force field and brainstorming with Mister Fantastic as to just how to save Tony Stark's life. They didn't have a lot of supplies to work with, but Mister Fantastic realized that if he just morphed the shape and size of his fingers, he was able to repair the arc reactor without any tools. The arc reactor gave off a few sparks, before roaring back to life. Tony was still unconscious though, but he was breathing - a win. Meanwhile, Black Widow had killed four more skrulls, not believing in non-lethal combat. Hill took out two, as did She-Hulk. Captain Marvel pulled off a mini supernova to take out an additional five. The Human Torch, sadly, was knocked out - he had been surrounded and the skrulls fired on him at once, causing Johnny Storm to Flame-Off and slam into the ground. His head was bleeding and he was out cold. [color=2CFD01]"You two might want to hurry, the GM is getting impatient,"[/color] She-Hulk advised, looking directly at Maria and Flynn. [hider=Skrull Tally]Total Remaining: 7 Kill/Knock Out Counts - Maria: 7 Flynn: 15 Black Widow: 7 Human Torch: 1 She Hulk: 2 Captain Marvel: 5 [/hider][hr][hr][center][h3][color=84B4E2][b] May 18th, 2021[/b][/color][/h3][hr][hr][h3][color=84B4E2][b]Clint Barton's Homestead - Missouri: 8:10 A.M.[/b][/color][/h3][/center][hr][hr] Bonnie hesitated for a moment - she didn't want to lie to Cass, but she wasn't ready to talk about this with other people just yet. Fury was intimidating enough that she didn't dare tell him no. [color=f6989d]"It's nothing, just a side project the director asked me to keep an eye on when he left,"[/color] she lied smoothly. She then took advantage of the opportunity to go fuss with getting Niah some medicine, so she doubled back into the room she had just came from, fishing around for the pill bottle she was looking for. T'Challa smiled at Kwassi, always happy to see one of his countrymen out in the world fighting for what was right. He returned Kwassi's gesture with a traditional Wakandan salute, crossing his arms in the shape of an X with his fists closed. "Come, brother, be seated," T'Challa insisted, his accent thick. "At this table, we are all warriors." Amelia's eyes were wide, and she was positively giddy as she took in everyone seated at the table again. She had always wanted to go to Wakanda one day, she didn't know much about them but they had a king who doubled as a superhero, so the place [i]had[/i] to be cool. She wondered if they had an entire army of Black Panthers back there. She wouldn't have been surprised, although again, she knew very little about the country beyond some random facts about King T'Challa and its rough location in the world. [color=FFB795]"So are you lot all, like, friends?"[/color] Amelia blurted. [color=FFB795]"Like I can just imagine that you all go out to a pub for drinks or something, and Spider-Man is probably swinging around the place, maybe Winter and Cap are arm wrestling while talking about whatever old war stories white people like to dish about, oh and Falcon? Huge fan. Like the biggest fan. Could I get your autograph? And also, I'd love to challenge you to a race. Name the time and place - and I guess type of race - and I'll be there. My name's Amelia Baptiste by the way, I'm the ace of the group - well ace as in pilot, not ace as in asexual, although I am that too, I just don't get the entire appeal of sucking someone's dick--"[/color] Amelia was cut off, thankfully, before she could continue. [color=4C52FF]"Watch your language, young lady,"[/color] Captain America scolded. "It's nice to meet you, Amelia," Falcon said, offering her a hand. "I'll race you any time, provided you can keep up." Amelia looked like she was swooning as she shook Falcon's hand. [color=FFB795]"I'm never going to wash this hand again,"[/color] she whispered to herself. It wasn't sexual or romantic or anything like that - she had just gotten to shake hands with her favorite Avenger [i]and[/i] they had a race confirmed. It was going to be even better than podracing. Raynor then came into the kitchen/dining area with Sparky, raising an eyebrow at the somewhat comical sight in front of them. He instantly started more or less staring at Spider-Man, since the web slinger wasn't even removing his mask to eat. It looked incredibly dumb to him. He understood that some people wanted to protect their secret identity, but everyone here had been cleared of being a -- His thoughts stopped right in their tracks, seeing Director Fury with Goose. Goose clearly wasn't freaking out, so Raynor relaxed slightly, figuring odds were low that he was a skrull. Goose hadn't been wrong yet. He was more or less their only foolproof method of skrull detection. His eyes then narrowed. [color=d86615]"So Fury - how long did you know about the skrulls?"[/color] Raynor asked bluntly, as some of the puzzle pieces started to click for him. [color=gray]"That's need to know,"[/color] Fury said coldly. Bonnie then reentered the room with Niah's meds, feeling a bit awkward with all of the tension. She more or less tiptoed on over to Niah, pouring out a few pills and handing them over to her. They wouldn't make Niah too loopy, maybe a little bit drowsy if anything, and they'd take the edge off of the pain. Her eyes kept flickering back and forth between her patient and between the ex-director. [color=7851A9]"I'd say we're need to know at this point, Nick,"[/color] Hawkeye argued. Fury sighed slightly. [color=gray]"The Illuminati made first contact with the skrulls. It wasn't too long afterwards that I found the first scout. I let that twitter loving son of a bitch fire me, so that way I could go into deep cover and bring you all together - a group of heroes who can save the world. Oliver, would you go over the rest of the details? I need to drink some coffee."[/color] [hider=Skrull Testing]Everyone was cleared over the timeskip. Hooray! ... Except for Nick Fury. He has only been cleared by Goose. [/hider]