“Tobaro,” Morgan grunted looking resigned but not disagreeing. “Aye, they won’t look for us there, though vittles and supplies will be hellish expensive, given its a desolate hole in the ground.” Morgan was perhaps shading the truth here, spars and rigging and other supplies were plentiful and probably cheap in Tobaro, on account that so many ships wrecked there and were salvaged. Half of those wrecks were said to be the works of the locals of course which didn’t make anyone feel any better about the prospect. Emmaline cast a look back at the harbor mouth of Sartossa but no ships had made the exit since the Hammer’s unconventional departure. It would be sun down by the time the winds and tides shifted to allow a ship the size of the Sea Drake to put to sea. Of course that gave Von Roberts all the time he needed to gather supplies and recruit his crew. “He will probably waste his time looking in to the Arabyian harbors,” Markus mused, proving Emmaline wasn’t the only one thinking about pursuit. It made a certain amount of sense, the Sea Drake was half again the size of the Hammer and out gunned her two to one. Von Roberts would be much better served sinking them and then taking on the quest unopposed. “Sou-souwest till we are out of sight of the peaks, then shape course nor-norwest for Tobara,” Markus ordered. Morgan nodded and looked up at the flapping pennon. Even to Emmaline’s luberly eye she could see that the breeze was freshening. The Hammer was picking up speed as the helm swung onto the more westerly tack, tugging out the sails in a series of deafening cracks which settled into the steady creaking of timbers as the deck began to slant to the wind. “Well I’m for a bath,” Emmaline remarked, although she was almost dry from her immersions, a rime of salt was forming and making the silk dress rub. “We don’t have water for…” Morgan began before falling silent as Emmaline shot him a poisonous glare. She lifted her fingers and wiggled them. “Ill handle my own water, you don’t see me telling you how to sheet a jib or whatever,” she called over her shoulder as she headed for the cabin