Freyr sighed, before looking at the Agent again while Marae turned her attention elsewhere. 595’s eyes had narrowed slightly. [i]”Hey, i tried! Marae is sort of correct.”[/i] Freyr protested. The black-clad spook folded her arms and assumed contrapposto, thinking for a moment. [i]”The Captain will have something to say about this. I’ll have her talk to the Datius. Let's put this science class on ice until it’s resolved.”[/i] [i]”That’s not your call.”[/i] Freyr retorted, but she hesitated. Would the Captain actually have and objection? It occurred to her that several of the military types attached to the scientists might have hardware in their heads that they might not want to reveal. Although she had operational control of the expedition, the Captain could veto the use of Human protection while in the simulation if she wasn’t satisfied. Freyr turned quickly back to the holo after her retort, determined not to acknowledge the daggers 595 was throwing from her eyes. She fully realised the risk she was undertaking now, but wouldn’t surrender her one true piece of influence - executive without a fight. She focused her attention on answering Marae while the Agent got in contact with Captain Andersen. “Alright, yes. Let’s attempt to open a dialogue. But if it proves unresponsive there’s no time to waste. We can insert the lab but leave it dormant until we need it.”