Angie wandered through the corridor, she’d left lunch a little after Ellen, so she had fallen behind a little but she could still hear people walking somewhere in the hallways as their footsteps bounced around. She was following the vague directions that floated somewhere in her headspace though mostly she just let her legs do the walking and her brain do the real wandering. When she came upon the ‘chapel’ it wasn’t exactly as she expected. She supposed it shouldn’t surprise her but calling it a chapel was a little misleading. At the most it was a quiet place of… She examined the room, a place of worship, she supposed. Since it was an old office there was no regalia of whatever deity this office was dedicated to but considering the diversity of those stuck in this same situation, they couldn’t afford to have separate rooms for each religion. Before Angeline could finish her train of thought she was brought about by the voice of, what only she could assume was the head of this session. She offered a demure nod in greeting and a quiet “Hello.” Angie surveyed the room, she noticed the closest-to-the door seats were taken by that scary man and scary woman. She didn’t want to interrupt Ellen either so she just took any old seat. It didn’t matter anyway. Her eyes drew themselves to the door, she couldn’t help but be tempted to just leave. She didn’t know her own feelings on the matter, it was all just knotted up in there anyways. She didn’t feel either bad or good, just confused, although she supposed talking it out would help unknot it.