[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/4tRc0FE.png[/img][/center] So this was paradise. Finally away from the terror and uncertainty of a dysfunctional post war society, replaced with boredom and mundanity. Well, as mundane a military academy that turned kids into soldiers could be. It was an odd sensation for Seiichi to be in since he had always gazed upon the military structure as a civilian observer but now he would be a bolt screwed inside the machine, supporting one of the pillar foundations of the Confederacy's future. Paradise was paralyzing. Each day's lecture he is subjected to somehow manage to be more boring than the last. While he had met each academic requirement, Seiichi acknowledged that he merely inserted the minimum effort to check off the requirements. This latest assignment about the late Taiyƍtawa would meet the same fate as the rest of his work as Seiichi had already planned to write it out at the eleventh hour before the deadline. Scheduled procrastination helped bring joy to his life, the same way the lunch period stole all of it each day. He couldn't quite understand how the other students could stomach the synthetic sustenance paste, let alone look at it. As they were dismissed by their instructor, Seiichi would be in no rush to get the cafeteria as he chose to be one of the last out of the classroom. Unfortunately, he still needed to eat and would reluctantly go to the cafeteria. One of the only benefits of artificial nutrition compounds is the fact that the last scoop of goop is just as good as the first one. Cold or hot, the grey matter served by the cafeteria affected Seiichi's grey matter the same way. Prior to this, he had only seen this type of food being served to the garrison soldiers and the poor citizens of his homeworld during the war time rationing. He, along with the rest of the upper class of Oppnaris, had access to food with actual flavor and texture. The farmlands under Kapteyn's Star did not produce much but the fruits of its harvest placated his mercurial tendencies. Fortunately, one of the other benefit of this slime's staunch structure was its application for architectural art pieces. Perhaps today he would form his villa from memory. As Seiichi sat down at his preferred table, the fellow students in his lunch group had already finished up and started chatting among each other. He would flash them a quick courtesy smile before returning to his neutral expression, not even stating a hello to anyone there. His relationship with them had been established as one of tolerated co-existence as he never bothered to learn their names and he was certain they didn't as well. It seemed pointless to make niceties with others you'd probably only interact with one hour everyday. Heck, he barely remembered his household servants' names and they served Seiichi for all three meals each day. Speaking of which, the final form of his food had finally been achieved. To his disappointment, the paste did not hold his villa construct intact for too long. A slope of slop for Seiichi Cepheid's subsistence solely sustained.