[@Queen of Aces] [quote=@Dark Cloud] Anyone have any questions? [/quote] I do have a few, actually, although GM and I are still working through the PM part. These should be more general though: I've seen some powers that stick to solely supernatural events, and some that are more descriptions of capabilities. Is the intention for a Power to be only something like "Fire Manipulation" or "Teleportation?" Or do all of our character's abilities need to be included--things like "Hand to Hand Combat" for someone who knows Karate, or "Enhanced Strength" for a Demon whose body-type is yoked out? I know the GM wants the big powers to progress in stages, and I'm not sure what the overall "power level" of the RP is yet. Also, if we had to assign a genre to this, would it be more Slice of Life, Romcom/harem (just with multiple couples), or something like Highschool DxD that throws a little action in there too?