Big Work In Progress... I have already ost the whole thing once so posting to avoid more suffering. [hider][center][img][/img] [h3]Full Name:[/h3] Dinah Jael Fox [h3]Nicknames/Aliases:[/h3] [h3]Age:[/h3] 17 [h3]Gender:[/h3] Female [h3]Division:[/h3] Unsorted [h3]Powers: [/h3] [b]Nature Energy Wellspring[/b] Dinah exudes an aura of natural energy that is both very appealing to animals and encourages the growth of flora in her vicinity. This is always somewhat active around her, though she can concentrate it into small areas to cause particular plants to grow at far beyond their normal speed. Animals tend to like her. [b]Toxic physiology.[/b] Dinah's body is able to create a number of chemical compounds not typically found in mammalian physiology and express them into her blood, saliva or through the pores of her skin. This is theoretically a conscious action, though sometimes will arise as a panic response. Most common is a substance similar to atropine. [h3]Description:[/h3] Dinah has often been told she looks an awful lot like her mother. If her mother was younger and had been dragged backward through a hedge. Dinah is a scruffy-looking woman of middling height, with freckly skin, light green eyes and loosely curly light brown hair that clearly has not been introduced to a hairbrush in a while. Her clothes tend to appear tatty and her jacket is a few sizes too large for her skinny frame. Her shoes are a pair of hiking boots held together with tape. She speaks with an accent that is lightly Appalacian. [h3]Personality:[/h3] Dinah generally comes across as a rather lazy, undisciplined young woman who appears to have no interest in her studies or the future. She doesn't appear to have any particular plan for her future and appears more invested in consuming whatever elicit substances she can get her hands on. There is a little more going on with Dinah however. She feels emotions very strongly, and carries with her a weight of great resentment about her situation. She's someone who has grown into her role poorly, never truly suited to a harsh existence. As such, she is very likely to react in a very volatile way to stressors. [h3]Crush:[/h3] [h3]Skills:[/h3] - [b]"Amateur pharmacology"[/b] Dinah has made a small business for herself using her abilities to grow and harvest plants of an elicit nature. She seems to have some kind of skill and knowledge in it, possibly due to the fact that she uses her own stock plenty. [h3] Weaknesses:[/h3] -[b]Lack of discipline[/b] Dinah doesn't really focus on anything. She pays no attention in class and appears to really have no set amibition in life. [h3]Brief History:[/h3] Once upon a time, there was a super who went too far. [ ] was the villain name she became known as, though most of the people in her inner circle knew her as Morgana Fox, the Light, the one who would bring about the new world and the green earth. She was a villain who went beyond comicbook antics and became something very nasty, and her and her cult were dealt with in a very swift and destructive fashion. Morgana was a great one for her attempts to pursue a higher state of humanity, believing that supers were an evolved and higher form of an archaic race. From that beleif she had many children, Dinah amoung them. After her mother's cult ended, Dinah bounced around foster homes and extended family members, rarely staying longer than six months to a year in any place. [h3]Other:[/h3] Has a pet, or 'associate' as she calls it, raccoon, named Carl. He is large, beligerent, anda law unto himself. [/center][/hider]