[h3]A rustle in the bushes...[/h3][hr] [color=lightgray]“A Berry Juice? Thanks!”[/color] Jamie’s anxious expression turned in a grateful grin. He released Swirlie from his poke ball and emptied the juice into the Pokemon’s mouth. A few moments later the sugary pink Pokemon was wagging his tail. “Swi!” He barked. [color=lightgray]“Swirlie! Feeling better?”[/color] The Swirlix climbed on top of Jamie’s shoulder in response and licked his cheek. [color=lightgray]“Great, now let’s get going— oh, there he goes. W-wait, hmm that’s not quite right.”[/color] Jamie grabbed Troy’s arm and guided him a little further down in the direction they had been going… [color=lightgray]“[i]This[/i] is where you want to be.”[/color] [hider=Myriad Color Gardens] [img]https://i.guim.co.uk/img/media/6445145b185e327c4cb10209bb02c96af0984177/0_108_3500_2101/master/3500.jpg?width=1020&quality=45&auto=format&fit=max&dpr=2&s=f4e5350f0f345c5fadfe2a410052799c[/img][/hider] [color=lightgray]“This is the Myriad Color Garden,”[/color] Jamie said, pushing his glasses up his nose. [color=lightgray]“There are quite a few different garden areas here at PMA, in case you haven’t noticed. There’s the Cloud Gardens, the Zen Gardens, the Modern Gardens, the Hot Spring Gardens, the Maze Gardens, the Music gardens… I think that’s all of them.”[/color] The Myriad Color Gardens were called such because they were a four season garden; all throughout the year the variety of flora would bloom depending on which season it was. It was August, so there were bright and pungent marigolds, delicately pink shrub rose, and soft asters that dotted the yard. There were also quite a few leafy shrubs, bushes, and small trees that surrounded the area, planted in a quaint pattern and landscaped to perfection. Jamie continued. [color=lightgray]“Anyways, about this Pokemon… They like hanging out here. Anyways, it likes hiding in these bushes and shrubs, and likes stealing stuff when people sit on the benches. I heard someone else say it likes to grab food from the trash too. But there’s another reason it’s hard to catch. “Take a look around. This isn’t the battle facility. These gardens cost a lot of money to install. They're not gonna stand for students just ripping up their grounds, especially when they're not supposed to battling in these areas anyways. We're allowed to attract pokemon, because the school loves any rare pokemon visiting their gardens. But we're not supposed to be battling in places like this, obviously."[/color] Jamie cleared his throat and straightened up, putting his hands on his hips. [color=lightgray]"So you need to be mindful of where you are on the grounds! In other words, you can’t do something like irreparable damage to anything here. The school’s gonna freak if they see damage done, and it’s not going to take them long to find out who did it. I'm president of the beautification committee, and I'll have to report you to the school authorities myself if I see damage done!"[/color] Jamie waggled a finger as intimidatingly as he could. [color=lightgray]"Anyways, see the green turf there with no bushes or trees? That's pretty much the only space that's safe to attack that pokemon on. If you can lure it there...”[/color] Jamie then suddenly spotted a piece of litter. He marched right over and threw it away into the garbage with gusto. [color=lightgray]“Ugh, littering! I hate it when people do that, don’t you? I mean the nerve of some-“[/color] he stopped suddenly, staring in front of him. A short tree seemed to be shaking some… And out jumped a pokemon! It was only for a second but Troy's pokedex caught it in the nick of time and scanned it. [hider=Pokedex Scan Activated!] [center][img]https://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/archive/e/ec/20100723000400%21572Minccino.png[/img] [i]Minccino, the Chinchilla Pokemon. The way it brushes away grime with its tail can be helpful when cleaning. But its focus on spotlessness can make cleaning more of a hassle. They pet each other with their tails as a form of greeting. Of the two, the one whose tail is fluffier is a bit more boastful. Lvl 11 Cute Charm Pound, Baby-Doll Eyes, Helping Hand, Echoed Voice, Aqua Tail [/i][/center][/hider] [color=lightgray]“-Oooh, that's it! That's it! So, what’s your plan?”[/color] The Minccino jumped to another bush quite quickly. Though they couldn't see Minccino, though they approximate where it was based on the bushes shaking. The crafty little gray mouse could see them quite clearly and was observing them. Yeah, just what did Troy plan to do? [@Ryik]