[h2]Saber - Artoria Pendragon[/h2] To be summoned again into a Grail War after the fifth war concluded with its destruction was already unexpected. But to be summoned under circumstances such as this... The King of Knights could never have guessed at this outcome. This was a city in a future she could never have expected. Servants, magecraft, it had all become common knowledge. This island... a place where Servants were freely summonable. A city of Servants and magi who had summoned them. There was no war. The purpose in summoning Servants here was to learn from them, to utilize them as partners to tackle the future of mage society, and use the past to create the present. It was almost entirely foreign to her. She had answered the call out of duty, unexpected as it was, and now... She had already been Xiaoyu's Servant for a little while now, and it was difficult to get used to this situation. But she had answered this call. On her honor as a knight, she would not fail in her duty, even if it was an unexpected one. That duty was to act as Xiaoyu's knight, and... She wanted to understand. She wanted to understand this city, this Fusang. This place where the past and future met in such a way. This beacon of humanity, past and present. But at the moment... "This establishment may not appear to be impressive, but the scent of the food is rather appealing, Master," the Saber began, "I believe they utilize fresh ingredients without a freezer on premise." She paused for a moment, glancing at the menu before placing her order. "I would like the Triple Imperial with Cheese, thank you." It was the largest, and most elaborate, burger on the menu. [@KoL][@Rune_Alchemist][@Pyromania99][@RolePlayerRoxas][@Raineh Daze]