[quote=@Queen of Aces] Yes in 3D mode you should be able to just clip through the floors. There is an app you can download which allows you to go into 3D and change floors using the top menu bar! [/quote] I figured out the WASD controls to some degree although it still doesn't work like I'd expect a first-person view should. But if I'm understanding it right, on the 1st Floor we have Lobby, Dining room (or maybe a conference area?), a wardrobe or some kind of storage, and a large bedroom that I assume is for the Dorm Mother or some other authority? On the 2nd floor we have a gym, a shower, a living room/game room, and a kitchen. And the 3rd floor is all the rooms, and two more showers? As long as I can get the general idea I can keep the images in my head easily enough.