Cs Name: Rose Gender: Human Age: 17 Species: Human Faction: Nimbats Appearance: [img]https://img02.deviantart.net/4e9f/i/2011/326/b/d/fairy_wing__alchemist_mage_class_by_stealthmoves-d4h0clh.jpg[/img] Personality: despite being unable learn magic Rose has always been fascinated by it, Spending most of her free time studies the magic of other races as well reading up on ancient magic. Rose often travels to town and cities of magical races in an attempt to learn more about them but due to a general mistrust in humans that most of the races shear this is often easier said then done. Roses persistence and determination combined with her friendly demeanour and genuine love for all things magical she has many to earn the trust of a number of magical creatures. Bio: Power 1: Paper Manipulation Power 2: Grimoire/Inscription Magic Likes: Dislikes: Family: Friends: Sentimental Attachment: Weapon: Other: Rose keeps a note book on her with all the spells she has discovered in all the magic books she had read or learned from others Pet Name: Pet Age: Pet Gender: Pet Species: Pet Appearance: Pet Personality: Pet Power 1: Pet Power 2: ---------- Cs Name: Stardust Gender: Female Age: 1000 Species: Flying Mantaray Faction: Flying Mantarays Appearance: [img]https://i.postimg.cc/R0PwbZ9H/IMG-20221119-WA0040.jpg[/img] Personality: Stardust is hope Incarnate. It doesn't matter if it is pointless, she'll always hold hope close to her heart even after everyone has given up. She'll always look to the bright side of things. Stardust doesn't like to see people saddened. She'll do her best to make others happy and brighten up their mood. She'll always encourage others and give them hope no matter how tough or dire the situation is. She'll never stop fighting not until she is dead. Stardust has made it her personal mission to help others accomplish their dreams no matter how far out it may seem. While in battle, she keeps the upbeat playful attitude, focusing on having fun rather than ending the battle. Powers: Dream Manipulation Dream Travel Hope Embodiment Dream Embodiment Dream Dust Manipulation Dream Projection Dream World Creation Dream World Projection Dream Weapon Construction Fantasy Weapon Construction Fantasy World Creation Fantasy World Projection Fantasy Projection Fantasy Manipulation Nightmare Erase Fear Overpowerment The more people feel "hope" the stronger she becomes. She will also absorb dreams into herself, saving them permanently so they'll always be remembered and thus empowering her. In this context, Fantasy as in a fantasy in a Dream. Likes: Dislikes: Family: Friends: Sentimental Attachment: Weapon: Other: Pet Name: Dreamcast Pet Age: 20,000 Pet Gender: Male Pet Species: Angelic Companion Pet Appearance: [img]https://i.postimg.cc/V6nFvXZw/354f06cd66389092ed5b1df57ef845cc-dreamcatcher-closed.jpg[/img] Pet Personality: Dreamcast is a little bit more down to earth. He is Stardust's anchor. When a situation comes into place that takes serious consideration and planning he'll get her to pause whilst the two discuss their options. Dreamcast is patient, calm and logical. He'll always think about the situation whilst on the move and if the situation is dire he'll make sure to discuss it further with Stardust before moving into battle. Whilst he is in battle, he analyses his opponents and considers his next move carefully while giving Stardust advice. Pet Powers: Nightmare Capture Nightmare Ward Dream Travel Dream "save" Dream "reload" Nightmare Purification Dream Essence Manipulation