Cs Name: Faith Gender: Female Age: 16 Species: Angel Faction: Angels Appearance: [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/655544510327291925/660661100668387339/image0.png[/img] Personality: Faith has always been fascinated by all things magical and mythical, Spending most of her free time studying other magical races as well reading up on myths and legends. Faith often travels to town and cities of magical races in part to learn more about them but also due to her responsibilities as a magical guardian. Faith has a friendly demeanour and genuine love for all things magical which helps her to earn the respect and trust of most magical races and mythical beats. Bio: Faith comes from a family of mystic guardians that protects the secret of magical creatures existence from humans. Faith also protects the supernatural world and it’s inhabitants from supernatural hunters and poachers and in situations where magical creatures go out of control she protects humans from them partly to keep there existence a secret but also because it’s the right thing to do. Faith knows how evil humans can be when driven by fear and how they have the tendency to fear the unknown but the worse ones are those who do not fear but hate the supernatural and who use that hate to justify needles violence for the sake of profit but she knows she still has a lot to learn and has a long way to go before she is qualified to take over for her mother as the primary guardian of the magical world. Power 1: Guardianship Power 2: Likes: Dislikes: Family: Mother Weiss Friends: Sentimental Attachment: Weapon: Faith has the sword know as Trancendance that can absorb channel and amplify kinetic energy and even convert it into other forms of energy. Other: Like all magical guardians Faith has the power to manifest a guardian tool/ weapon that can grant her special powers and or abilities that varies depending on the form it takes, in Faith's case this manifested as a Grimoire granting her the power to use power magic, one from if magic Faith keeps in effect is her magic eye enchantment that lets her see the true from of all magical races allowing her to see though their magical disease.